Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I think some left willingly after they were officially exiled as some dialogue/text states that even after their exile, they had sympathizers within Quel’thalas who were still supporting them. The most radical like Umbric himself were clearly exiled, as it is mentioned several times, in different parts of the game, but I think many joined his cause afterwards.


How about because they would explode? Paladins are not Priests…they don’t just wield the Light they are suffused with it. We know what happens when Light and Void collide, and we know it because of the Void Elf introductory chain and we know it because Void Elves - and Alleria - can not come near the Sunwell.


This is true however
My followers and I felt no loyalty to the [Horde]. When [Grand Magister Rommath] forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.

Doesn’t sound like they were really broken up over being exiled.

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Ding ding ding

We have a winner.


It would delegitimize a lot of the arguments if they had to acknowledge that high elves didn’t have a unified racial leader or even a unified racial faction, so many just adopt the largest visible group (the SC) as the unifying presence.

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Or both? They left when Rommath forbade their studies = voluntary. They can no longer come back because Void Elf+Sunwell=BOOM, and are now exiled because of that.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

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Well they rewrite almost everything every xpac these days, you can’t expect them to actually coordinate anything anymore or something might actually make sense for a change. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Not even every xpac. I mean, they’re already coming with something very clearly being pulled out of their… derrières with something like Nathrezim, and those have been somewhat consistent since WC.

“You don’t want characters that, based on the lore of paladins, would explode on spawning, raining guts all over Telogrus? My, my, your Horde bias it’s showing”.


Yeah I found that a bit odd myself but I won’t lie, I’m a bit interested to see how they try to spin that, lol.

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I say it´s the difference between actual fans of the race because they LIKE aspects of either the race or their lore and “antis” of the mirror / oposing race who literally use the race they supposedly like as a vehicle to exert “revenge” (in the particular case of Helves, Belves are the “mirror” race).

When a Helfer tells me he/she rather develops the race outside of Quel´thalas and with more focus on the social/political/cultural dinamics/changes that are born regarding their interactions with the other Alliance races tells me they indeed want to expand on the lore supporting their race, and that yes, they love and admire the race considering they´re brainstorming plots and narratives that follow the “Helves staying loyal to their Human and Dwarf buddies” premise (heck, the fact Helves LEFT Quel´thalas behind back at the end of the Second War IS quite the fundamental change in ideology in itself). High Elves as a NATION pre Warcraft 3 times were always isolianist creatures that literally lived to disregard allegiances and liked to believe they were better than the other people surrounding them. Anasterian literally send token help when he joined Quel´thalas to the Alliance -I mean people, the Alliance as a political faction kinda existed only after the Orcs arrived to Azeroth and destroyed Stormwind- just because he had given his word to a Human some couple thousand years ago and one of the survivors of this Human lineage demanded the elf king fulfill his obligation. Had Anduin Lothar NOT belonged to the old Arathi bloodline? Yup, rest assured Anasterian and Co. would had /lol at the Alliance and participated only after the Horde invaded their nation proper- and ditched the humans at the first chance he got. And most people that returned and lived INSIDE Quel´thalas were totes find with this mentality.

When a Helfer tells me that he/she likes the race because they´re loyal to the Alliance, but propose plots centered in taking back Quel´thalas by proxy of “using” the Humans and the Dwarves as glorified cannon fodder that do the job for them (regardless on how ugly this looks and sounds… and go check people, usually the people making this scenarios glorify the Helf characters and portray the other supporting Alliance races as “less than” the Elves somehow), yeah, I see the actual anti-Belfer agenda crystal clear and no evidence AT ALL those posters actually know or care for the Helves they preach to love.

Wud?!? I mean… really? Did they say so?

Man… that´s an entirely new low level in the “lack of self awareness” department. Who in the nname of God proposes destructive and negative development to something other people love and spins their suggestion as “positive cause all publicity is good” trope card?

People like THEM is what literally created anti-Helfers in this place.

Velves should had never ever be implemented with the atrocious lore they got. It made them a joke race lorewise speaking since their induction; the fans deserved MUCH better than this.

Velves should had been done using Alleria´s own Helf troops, I don´t see the issue with this. It was right there.

As a lore and story oriented player, I rather keep well written but fugly Nightborne than get “pretty” Velves with 10th rate lore supporting them… but I´m a weirdo, so… take it with a mountain of salt. Most average players would probably pick the better in-game model regardless on how retarded the lore behind it is.

Man was GREAT until devs decided he was Calia simp material he´s still in the dog house thanks to pre-patch

Indeed. What´s gonna be her prize?


You know. I could get behind Velf paladins really. As long as any time they cast a holy spell of any kind, use a void based racial, or EE procs, then they immediately explode like Sacrificial Pact just got cast on them… I would be down for Velf paladins then…


I know right… Lucky jerk. I wish I could be Calia’s simp.

Literally, her new model is gorgeous and unlike a lot of people I love the concept of Lightforged Undead. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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Is he a simp for her? What about Thalyssra?

They are an official couple at this point I think.

Him and Thal or him and Calia?

You just made me spit out my ‘morning’ coffee.

I love it.


Him and Thal. Ariel just really really doesn’t like Calia.

Please, I´ll even pay you if you convince him to let you take that job!!!

I want my -for this game standards´- incredibly well written racial leader back, pl0x (when the Belf racial leader basically becomes one if not the only decent aspect on Horde lore one should become VERY worried).

Tell me they AoE and wipe the players around them too ^^


Oh okay, good.

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