I feel any story the BE had before the VE joined alliance is connected to VE, at least in the sense if you think some of the converted ones was hired bodyguards.
It makes perfect sense to me. I don’t think we are ever going to see a narrative of High Elves joining the alliance or returning to Quel’Thalas. The customizations are so that the player can decide that their character was a High Elf that chose to do that. I see often people saying, Blizzard said they were giving High Elves to the Alliance and the Horde. When what was actually said was. Both sides want to play as High Elves so we will give you a few customizations.
Just because they have no connection to Vereesa… a character that has had as very little relevance other than mainly giving Jaina leverage as the “rational” one (yeah, right) during isle of thunder… they suddenly have more connection to blood elves?
Vareesa is not the leader of the High Elves. She is the leader of the SC. The High Elves do not have a racial leader because they do not exist any more as a singular entity.
Really, the closes thing we have to a High Elf racial leader is Lor’themar.
Okay so yeah the void elves wouldn’t have any connection to the horde then. I still find it odd that they were studying the void to protect quel’thalas but now don’t care though.
Eh~ possibly, but on the other hand we are seeing the High elf customization being utilized on Horde thalassian elves, while the new options like “fair skin” and “blue eyes” have remained entirely absent on Void elf NPCs. This implies (at least at this point.) that these customizations are more legitimate and canonical for blood elves than they are for Void elves.
I do think Blizzard is weary on adding anything “official” like quest text, or dialogue, but then again Danuser did mention wanting to expand on Lanesh’s eye color in-game in the future, which is promising. Whether or not he will actually act on that is another thing entirely - especially after the blue eye debacle before Shadowlands - but then again, it didn’t stop him from adding another blue eyed elf on the Horde for launch.
Gosh I wish more people would understand this so I wouldn’t have to read posts like “high elves hate this!” and “high elves would never do that!” as if they’re some coordinated whole, who all think and act as one.
To me the whole the void elves were exiled seemed rather odd. In the unlock quest Alleria claims they were exiled. Yet during the war campaign Magister Umbric says that they left willingly when Rommath forbade the study of void. So which is it we’re they exiled via what Alleria claims, or did they choose to leave via what Umbric claims.
This is an inconsistency that makes me wonder if it’s intentional and will come up in the storyline later…or if the writers just didn’t talk and coordinate with each other well enough to make sure the backstory was consistent. With Blizzard’s record, it’s hard to say, you know?