Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Same deal on the phone, just not as easy lol.

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I am very interested in seeing the NB get the love and attention they deserve, however to make that situation fair in terms of matching we’d have to see NB get more impactful customizations than NEs during core race customizations again, and that’s already come and pass… and I don’t want NB to be better than NEs but in the interests of having Horde NB situation equal VEs treatment VS their core parent race that is how I see it.

And then we’d still have BEs in a situation of disparity compared to VEs while HE fans continue to push for more of their agenda.

So on one hand I see what you’re saying but on the other I find it imperative to take up the issue of fairness between BEs and VEs as it’s own sub issue outside of the fact that as an AR NB are severely lacking, because as it stands Blizzard very clearly didn’t choose to favor NB over NEs during core race customizations so it’ll never end up with a feeling of fairness there.

However there is a chance that VEs end up with less attention during the time ARs are done and perhaps that will be BEs time to shine, that while extremely delayed… would feel like a return to fairness if fairness is the goal.

That’s where I am at.


Sorry but it’s really hard for me to see it like that given I had really high hopes for Nightborne and well what we got was an extreme letdown for what has been taken away from us and shared.

Also don’t misunderstand me I’m simply saying that I feel we should get equal treatments from Night Elves to Nightborne like Void Elves have from Blood Elves with stuff like the eye colors, skintones, model sharing or the NPC model, etc.

Furthermore, it wouldn’t take time away from Core Races or Core Race customization or Blood Elves that’s why I said that Blood Elves need more and unique stuff because I don’t want it to take away time from Blood Elves and I don’t want it to take time away from any other races, I also don’t want Blood Elves to be shafted because we already have been and as a Blood Elf main player I don’t take to that very well.

No I know what you’re saying and I respect it I just think the NB and NE situation will never be like the VE / BE situation because not only is it not the same model but they also didn’t choose to shaft NEs in favor of NB when they promised core race attention. But for clarity I am agreeing the situation is massively unfair doubly so when you like you point out take the NE / NB situation into consideration of how they’ve treated the BE / VE situation.

I think NB should be at the top of their ARs to do but I do still make the case for core races to come first even if it’s not BEs.

I dunno, personally I still feel alliance side got tge bad deal, we still don’t have much story for void elves connection to high elves beside the unlock quest, which really just said a bunch of blood elves was the ones transformed. I think I would feel better if a small quest linked the 2. And lfd is rather… lacking still.

While no customization is sub-par, at least tgey get the cool story with it. And highmountain tuaren is cool, but also need work, but also don’t have the story problem.

Only thing changed is ve gets skin tones, which to me is meh. But that is me personally.

Void Elves are closer to Sin’dorei than they are to Quel’dorei, no connection to Vereesa, no connection to the Silver Covenant, and served the Horde for the past 12+ years. Anyone who claims that they gave Alliance High Elves is either being dishonest or ignorant.

The thing is, sure Nightborne have a better plot, but the playable versions we got are such a letdown, does it even matter?


My feeling is that Blizz doesn’t want to explicitly connect Velves to Helves any more than they want to explicitly NOT connect them. If that makes sense.


Fair enough, I can understand and accept this.

Lol, I’ll trade you our awful botched Nightborne that basically no one plays with the storylines for the nice looking Void Elves that lots of people play with no storylines basically then because then we will really see who wins when all the good elves are on our side.

It makes perfect sense to me. It’s pretty much the design goal of Shadowlands in terms of playable races.

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Magnificent made a good point though earlier when they pointed out that if they bring them anymore in line with BEs then it truly defeats the purpose of them being their own AR, so I find some relief in that in regards to thinking the last of BE visual uniqueness will end up being lost.

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Remember that old school meme of the stick figure with its neck stretched far, far away from a computer monitor with an expression of disblief on its face?

That’s what I looked like just now.

We technically lost a lot of our uniqueness when they took our model and shared it, then we lost even more of it when they took our skintones and shared them, it’s a repeated process, it’s why they never should have crossed models from side to side to begin with.

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I can kinda see what they mean. They …were blood elves before they became void elves. Though, I don’t believe they were ever loyal to the horde.

Still, on the other hand they are lead by Alleria… who at least kinda sorta considers herself a Helf… Soooo meh.

That said, I wish we as a community could get past this idea that all Helves have to be affiliated with the SC and Vereesa. The are a large faction of Helves, but they aren’t the end all be all. That’s like saying you have to be a member of the Blood Knights in order to be a Blood Elf.

Anyways, that’s just my rant. Back to Torgast.


Lol. Do you stop between floors or runs to read and reply too?

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Yep. I’ve had to fight a bazillion of those dogs that spawn if you stay out of combat too long.

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Clearly great minds think alike. :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

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True, but they did end up directly connecting the be plot to them, which was a let down for sure.

I can understand the sentiment. I was never really a big make playable dude, but they dud botch it up. Apary of me think though do think they will fix them. I also think they wanted to make it up, at least initially with, making Dark Rangers their own ar with both ne dr and be dr as customizations, but that is just a guess.

How so? (10 char)