Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Ok, that worked. Thanks, guys! :slight_smile:


I don’t know what bugged me most about that plotline, if the fact that it was as lazy as it could be (because, realistically, Blood Elves would much rather choose isolation after getting purged by Dalaran and held hostages by Garrosh, which shows that no side was safe for them), or if the fact that so many clutched at that lazy plot point as if their lives depended on it to hope for Blizzard to move one playable race from one side to the other mid-xpac…


It did leave some HE fans on this delusional “one day we’ll take Quel’thalas” type idea to forever fixate on “they almost left back in MOP!” And given I’ve also seen some state that BEs biggest story contribution post BC was to “immediately go back to working with Alliance races in WOTLK” I get the feeling that they’ll forever hold that torch much to my own annoyance and other BE fans who get annoyed at the suggestion.

Basically this is what I find most annoying about it.


Yeah. I remember back in the day, I expressed the opinion that I thought the high elf story would be better served by focusing on their separation from Quel’thalas. Other helfers chewed me out and told me I didn’t understand the high elf plot.


Agreed. I mean, I won’t lie; the idea kind of intrigued me, but knowing lore the way I did, if the bloodelves did cut ties, they’d be more likely to be on the ‘to heck with this’ train and just pull the gates in after them once they retreated home and would have left the Horde and Alliance to bash each others’ head in without them.

That’s the one very clear thing about Lor’s leadership; he does his best to do what’s best for blood elves first and foremost. If both sides have tried to drive belves under, the next step is to just get out of the way and defend the homelands if needed.

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I was fine supporting the HE request in the past because of that very line of thinking to focus on the separation from Quel’thalas. Now a days my stance has changed anyways but I have always argued with HE fans over BE lore and story, ie: protecting Quel’thalas story wise from some of the delusional ideas.


Eh, people want what they want. Even without that story line, they’d fine something else to pull for justification. That’s just the nature of things.

But like I said, Quel’Thalas is never going Alliance in WoW.


Sadly that’s never enough because if you don’t support 100% of their ideas you get villainized, personally attacked and called names which makes you less likely to support any of it which well is what it is.


That’s pretty much where I wound up falling on the whole discussion. I was actually one of the people who originally wanted/asked for high elves…but then when it started getting ugly and downright stupid and cruel I pretty much hightailed it out of the discussions. If you can’t ask for something without being terrible to other people about it, I’m going to question if maybe it’s less about asking for something that would be nice to have and more about ‘scoring points’ on the other side.

And I am not down for that. At all.


Oh you don’t need to tell me that :rofl: someone cue Taylor Swift’s 2012 song All Too Well because I really know that all too well lol

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Reading that made me sad, I’m sorry you had to go through that, I mean I’m sorry anyone does but that’s terrible that people can be so awful to one another that they chase them away, literally. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Lol, you are a strong one like me, you take it and take it and take it while still staying pretty calm and nice about stuff, but yes you know really well, case and point just last night.

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In my case, it wasn’t so much being chased away as me deciding I liked my sanity better than asking for a video game race on a certain side of the story. Life is crazy enough without borrowing more. :wink:

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Also, as a note: I actually left because of fellow helf fans–when you start arguing against the thing you want because of other people ‘on your side’…that’s not a good sign.


I absolutely love how you put this, also I see and I understand completely so thank you for taking the time to explain to me and to share with me. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just remember the poop storm I created back then… heck, let´s brag: myself and the posters that supported me basically made them Helfers change the worst aspects of that scenario (I mean their /pikachu face when I confronted them with their scumbag tactic of poaching Halduron was beautiful. Literal had to concede they “made a mistake”.

I´m too hardcore to see any Helf character re integrating to Quel´thalas POST WotLK era as anything but a worhtless parasite and scumbag (this implies these characters literally waited for the Belves and their Horde allies to estabilize the territory before actually going back… they didn´t help when it counted, so why should Belves -who suffered A LOT to get up from the figuratively speaking ditch hole Arthas tossed them to- suffer their rude abusive presence? Heck, them going back to the “High Elf” name motif is an insult in itself).


Sorry I was spending my break reading a Yoko Taro™ christmas story about heroes in the land of sweets which involved a lot of murder…

This always confused me greately. I’ve never been in favor of High Elves, but I understand the (lazy) argumentation that comes with attacking the opposing side… but to attack the people on their own side of the argument because they don’t follow a certain train of thought makes things even worse.

Not for me though, it was interesting to watch them dig their own hole but still, I consider it… weird to say the least.


I think it has to do with a certan mindside–the ‘it would be nice, if…’ mindset as opposed to the ‘it should be this way because…’ mind set. The second tends to have a very rigid, narrow, and unmoving idea of what should happen, and any deviation or sign from others that their point might not 100% be agreed with, even by their own allies, comes across as a betrayal.

It’s a weird mindset for sure, but sadly, not unusual.


Just adding my own experience here if we all recall my stance was very particular about advancing core race customization after I felt VEs skipped the line and core races are kind of lack luster. A lot of the attacks I got for that stance which basically was just a way of saying “wait your turn” basically, combined with people really not showing empathy to BE fans where I felt I had always held the HE request with the idea of “how would I feel” I just flat out re evaluated my stance.

Combine that with Blizzard continuing to not have anything for Blood Elves specifically in regards for a second visual theme / literally anything, I find it important to advocate to protect whats left of visual uniqueness BEs have.


I wasn’t there for that however I have heard of it and talked about it with people and the vibe I got from HE supporters specifically even ones who helped with that thread was that they saw it as doing BE fans a favor since Halduron “needs more story anyways” so I can imagine their surprised Pikachu face that’s funny.


This is exactly how I feel and it’s somewhat sad because I had originally took the stance of that Horde should get equal treatment in the sharing from Night Elves to Nightborne like Alliance has from Blood Elves to Void Elves and I have got flamed, personally attacked, called names, told how horrible of a person I am and how selfish I am, swore at, etc. it made me more bitter about it to where I feel we shouldn’t have to share anything more with them but they should have to share with us up to the point we already have with them, plus getting more/unique stuff for Blood Elves only.