Yeah, being against something that doesn’t make sense with the established lore is faction bias, for sure not following the established lore.
And then people wonders why am I such a ray of sunlight in regards to some Helfer posters and their requests…
It´s been a DECADE of this BS, people. A freaking decade…
For anyone after a classic fantasy elf cleric/paladin, night elf paladins could provide this quite well.
I play an equal number of horde and ally toons and I’m pro NE pallys.
They get a lot of unique attack animations. More Wuxia/Kung fu than say Blood Elf. It’s a really nice touch. Go to character creator and pick DK as your class and just look at all the different unique stances each race goes into.
Nah, it has nothing to do with allowing ‘elven paladins’. It has to do with lore that states mixing Void and Light is like mixing cesium and water; they don’t mix well, and there’s an explosion that takes them both out, and the container they’re mixed in, to boot (see Allaria’s visit to the newly healed Sunwell.)
I’d be all for Night elves learning how to be paladins.
It’s better than nothing.
Night Elf Paladins would be interesting.
There’s also the bit that the entire Warcraft universe was created by an explosion caused by Light and Void interacting. This is from World of Warcraft Chronicle 1.
At the best, the VERY best, a high elf paladin going void or a void elf turning to the light (both really confusing ideas that make me go “okay, but why?”) is going to have the new power either bounce right off (if it’s weaker) or burn away the old power (if it’s stronger). Leaving just a high elf paladin or a void elf warrior… so either no change or a complete flip flop. You can’t do both.
I know this was a typo and was corrected but this could pretty easily be turned into a decent elf name.
Good catch. I wouldn’t have thought of that, but you’re right.
Nelf pallies when?
a Nelf Ret Pally to play off as like an AU version of my Nelf Unholy DK
Night Elf Paladin should have been added when they added the Night Warrior stuff or at least at the end of last xpac but knowing Blizzard I’m just gonna say Soon™.
I see we’ve got another soul for the furnace… and she even read every post? Your poor, poor sanity.
You should join me when I start mocking what Aussies like to pass as “cuisine”… as I do that as another native spanish speaker.
Are you my long lost sister?
Man, this is one selective view on it… very, very selective…
I knew it! I knew you were going to start asking for this sooner or later.
…I wish I could read the future like this when it comes to lottery numbers…
I think the main issue with this is that they might not be “Pure and Holy” enough (his words).
This is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard of, I hate to bring up population but a small crack squad of VEs and what ever portal keepers in SW are going to take Quel’thalas? (This is sarcasm but still) I’d say I can’t believe people suggested it but, I can believe it sigh
Mostly I like peoples ideas who suggest HEs who didn’t take the name BEs re integrating into Quel’thalas society, OR becoming VEs, a nice progression to that end.
Anyone bold enough to do so, gets a solid pass from me.
Void druids are just behind void shaman and void paladins in things that don’t make sense to me. I hate to say it, but I think there are just some classes that should not be made available to void elves.
Lol, well if you ever can be sure to let me know.
this is totally not the reason why ppl is against ve paladins. It is due to the lore of paladins and the lore of ve.
Lol, crack squad, I absolutely love how you word stuff sometimes dearie.