Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Because they aren’t blood elves. They were high elves. Would it make sense for humans to receive Forsaken options because some Forsaken used to be human?


well undead humans are in the human faction in the form of dks. so its not unprecedented for that to happen. if forsaken get thalassian dark ranger customizations (and human dark ranger customizations) but blood elves dont, when blood elves have been begging for those customizations and forsaken haven’t, thats not what i’d call fan service

case in point


If there were people in blizzard who really knew the lore of the blood elves

that’s terrible!

:grimacing: yes, yes it is.

Unless something changes significantly, just from a game engine perspective, the race you choose at creation determines your character model. That means if Blizzard wants to give us playable undead Thalassian Dark Rangers, they would have to be a Blood Elf customization.

Now if the creation engine was changed so that different racial models could be selected after choosing your race (i.e. Forsaken), then the dead elves could fall under the Forsaken race in the character creator. But for the sake of simplicity and efficient use of resources, if Blizzard decides to give us undead elven Dark Rangers, they are almost certainly going to be as customization for Blood Elves, and it will be up to us to headcanon them as Forsaken.


Tell that to worgen.

Part of the data files for them stores options XYZ for character ABC, it hides those options until a flag is triggered to swap between them. That same system could just as easily be used to make any race look like any other race.

The only tricky part would be attaching the whole thing to the character creator/barber, but given that worgen can already do that I can’t imagine it would be that hard.

obviously it would be interesting! but it seems people in blizz prefer to ignore this

what happened to him? is he undead? retconned out? what a fascinating concept. … like the banshee king…he steps up to take her place suddenly as leader of the forsaken and then she finds out and it creates this whole dramatic sidebar

yeah it wouldnt be a problem. same concept as druid forms.

and because some forsaken do not want pretty undead elves to be playable in their faction much less their race , whereas many, though not all, blood elves would love to have pretty undead elves be playable in their race - though i’m unsure how belf dark ranger fans feel about having thalassian dark rangers as a forsaken option?

Thank you for speaking for the community of a race you don’t play not wanting an optional set of customisations that fits members that have been an iconic part of their faction since Warcraft 3.

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I saw some

this is why i said some, because its a well known fact that some horde players do not like pretty elves in the horde. and back when this same topic came up before, some forsaken players said they didnt want a bunch of pretty elves in their race.

Elves are already in the Horde. They are the most popular race. Forgive me if I really couldn’t care less about whether some boomer orc warrior wants elves or not because they’re already there.

They’re already in the race.

I actually did play a Forsaken for about 10 years and ended up race changing him to Mag’har due to a lack of options, please do not presume to speak for me.


not playable though.

No, but they should be.

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so turn the forsaken into a race of pretty elves, cause ya know that’s what’ll happen. hehe. rather than just give belfs the ability to use dark ranger customizations.

You seem to have a fixation on keeping back this tide of elves. Try playing Horde, we already are swamped by elves.

Honestly so is the Alliance… Majority of us are night elf… Then human, then velf. Lol