Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

all the legion ARs need stuff, but the core races need to be commensurate with each other where possible. i realize some things are easier said than done, such as there are only so many ways to dress up a panda, but belfs would be the easiest and quickest to appease with dark ranger customizations - red eyes and dark ranger skin - and of course, farstrider tats and runic tats. male belfs are kinda lack luster

female gnomes didnt get the pizazz that male gnomes did. draenei need stuff. night elf males and nb males need to have at least one smiling/happy face. male orcs need eyebrows. forsaken need a straight back option. worgen really want tail option. etc


At the cost of stealing the aesthetic of an iconic subfaction of the core race with the lowest amount of customisation options who have been nothing but a punching bag for like three xpacs.

Night elves got two xpacs worth of spotlight for losing their city. What do Forsaken get? For their elite soldiers to be stolen by the race who for the last 12 or so years had more options than any other?


forsaken now have dark ranger customizations. they already have the undead skin tones and now they have the red eyes too.

No, they have red eyes.

Undead elven rangers are Forsaken, they are not and never have been blood elves.


but they were high elves. not foolin’ me

And they are (present tense) Forsaken.

If we gave customisation options to races based on what they were instead of what they are Forsaken as a race wouldn’t exist.


It’d be neat if the forsaken as a race could embody more than just humans of Lordaeron


their leader abandoned them. what reason would they have to be loyal to forsaken when they are undead high elven?

so have more than one race in the same race? sounds more like dk or dh. then every race ends up having the option.

They are Forsaken. They are one, contiguous group. There aren’t human Forsaken and elven Forsaken, only Forsaken.


why do they look like thalassians with red eyes then? they weren’t born forsaken. they were bound to sylvannas, who has since abandoned them

Upon becoming Forsaken, their previous identities are… y’know… forsaken. Ergo the name.

Pandaren got kinda shafted, wait in line. >:c


So they should abandon the rest of the Forsaken and run back to Quel’thalas? Why? Just because they were elves in life?

add your requests here? so far the panda requests are more faces, shaved fur designs and solid fur colors.

they joined their ranger general and now their ranger general has said sayonara.

Velonara says:

Both the sin’dorei and Forsaken are my kin.

So she still seems to see herself as Forsaken.

have forsaken players been begging for dark ranger customizations?

Why can’t it go to both?

i just said that to gulkas, that forsaken already have the skin and eyes once shadowlands launches. he seems to think thalassian undead should be forced to stay with the forsaken exclusively.