Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Actually it can be said that if practically all the heroes of WC3 appear in WoW and in the book The Well of Eternity it is said that Sylvanas had two brothers!

my point is that someone can work on the side of the horde and against the alliance and still be and use the high elf name! there is a faction of high elves that kill alliance soldiers!

Who? And also yes.

If they’re working with the Horde and thus the blood elves they would almost certainly change their name to blood elf.

Weird IC post in an OOC thread.


Those are pirates pissed cause the Alliance is being jerks again. Hardly associated with any particular faction. Horde is just convenient for them.


We are the biggest bullies.


The player of the horde by saving Gilthares becomes an honor member of them.

Doesn’t mean much… I’m an honorary king of Ogres for two clans.

My favorite pastime is murdering ogres in Nagrand.

So wait. If that makes the pirates Horde then what, every neutral faction is secretly horde?


they at least

Heck, my Warrior rejoins the Blacktooth Brawlers every third week.


I admit that the release date in late October (thus prepatch only one month away) destroys the chances of seeing any more customizations being added before 9.0. If next week’s build does not come with anything of notice, then what we got is pretty much what we will have for launch.

Next chance only in 9.1.


Every neutral faction that has you murder one side exclusively and complain about them the entire time, to be fair.


First episode is up.


Fair point, but those high elf rum runners don’t really care about the horde.

They only care who’s blowing up their product and that it’s dealt with.


Void elves are winners compared to the other Allied Races but they aren’t done by a long stretch so I hope Blizzard realizes how much they are truly lacking.

To me they are below goblins, who got more hair colors and styles and options in general, which Void Elves did not. Also the new eyes we got aren’t very exciting to me personally except maybe the blue ones. But compared to every other race who got way more eye colors (except draenei who sorely need them)… we (as in VE) aren’t winners.


I don’t think anyone is suggesting they’re literally in the Horde now. But rather that they make for very natural additions since they’re at the very least Horde-leaning high elves.


Ah, now see, worded like that it makes sense.

So is it possible that one of the Sylvanas’s Brothers is still alive? :thinking:

that would be interesting