Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

really? she always seemed kinda mean and grumpy

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dang that is pretty.
have you seen this? haha


I watched that and it was freaking funny. Poor Barber through.


I prefer

Also I’m saddened by the use of Nyalotha in BFA. N’zoth and Nyalotha deserved much better. Especially because it was reference to Carcosa in Lovecraftian mythos. Such wasted opportunity… as well as not adding a void class.

Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink beneath the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.

Song of my soul, my voice is dead;
Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa.

Funny, but quite accurate. :joy:

I still remember when barbershops only changed hairstyles. :sweat_smile:

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KT is a great villain the last good villain to have blizz! I prefer KT as the final villain than that guy I never heard of before

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I do not have the PTR but if you can go to quelthalas and see if you see more NPCs with those eyes

I checked all of Silvermoon city and the surrounding hubs on the ptr and found no NPC Blood Elves using anything but green eyes. It’s likely that she got them because she’s new, so we may have to wait for new NPC’s to be added to see purple or blue in more regular use.

Yeah but when was the last time they actually did anything with Silvermoon besides add Nightborne npcs walking around.


You’re not wrong he he. I still dream of the day Blizz finally gets off their butts and updates Silvermoon, Eversong and Ghostlands (and the Exodar/Draenei zones) so they are finished and flyable.


It’s kind of absurd that the Blood Elven capital doesn’t have a Barber Shop. A portal room would suit too.


The blood elves that I kill who serve the legion what are they? It is a self identification. If a quelthalas elf says that he is a blood elf, no one can deny that he is because he identifies himself as a blood elf, we see blood elves in the alliance that are the silvermoon scholar

Agreed. Every capital should have a barber, transmog npc, and void storage npc, at the very least.


I’m not 100% sure what you’re saying here, but blood elf is a name taken to honor the fallen. They’re still the same race as the “high” elves.

They choose to take the name or not. Any high elf that moves back home to Quel’thalas would likely take the name, or be ostracized in their own homeland.

And every capital should have a dedicated portal room (just with a portal to SW or Org) rather than have a dinky little portal hanging out like someone left the water on.


it’s a self identification! I repeat those blood elves who serve the ancient gods are they blood elves? if they identify as blood elves are they blood elves, are the high elves that are part of the cult of the damned or are part of the forces of nzoth high elves? of course they are if they identify themselves that way. whether someone wants to use one name or another is a personal matter. I repeat there are blood elves in the alliance


Is that even canon anymore?

Almost some of Warcraft 3 is noncanon. Atleast in Names.

But why would an elf returning to Quel’thalas want to retain the name high elf?


Where? There are former blood elves in the form of the Void Elves… But they changed their name too. Cause of the void thing…

I kinda bet you they only identify as Blood elves if they were blood elves before they joined those organizations. If they were high elves before they probably still see themselves as high elves.

Not really sure what your point is?

Any high elf in Quel’thalas is going to take up the name Blood Elf. That just makes sense. It doesn’t change whether or not high elves are returning home. Nor would a name change change eye color.

So again… What is your point?


why not? Maybe he does it because he likes the name.