Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I would unlock and play a halfelf/halforc.

Because braided hair isn’t something that solely belongs to High Elves. Blood Elves have just as much right to them, and should not have to call themselves High Elves to get them.


As long as there is also a goblin variation too. Half Elf/Half Goblin FTFW :smiley:

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No it isn’t. The helf theme is plain elves. Blood Elves can already pull this off.

well here’s the thing - we need a reason to 1) get more hairstyles for belfs and velfs and 2) get classes belfs and velfs want but dont have; for example, belfs want druids, velfs want paladins.

since belfs dont have druids, it could be finessed that before the scourge invasion, many helfs were practicing a rudimentary form of druidism as evidenced by their use of rune stones and thas’alah - the mother tree of quel’thalas, then those who survived became botanists, and then those botanists were killed because they followed kael’thas, and kael’thas messed up by following kil’jaeden instead of illidan. he gambled and chose the wrong horse and his people suffered because they were loyal to him.

anyway, as a result, helf druid variants vanished from belf society. this could be a way to make an across the board deal. belfs in helf mode, can be botanist druids and velfs in helf mode, can be paladins. and both sides get new hairstyles/beard styles, etc.


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They can just have more hairstyles. There doesn’t need to be a justification for it.

This is a retcon though. Instead, we could just make new lore where for example some Blood Elves decide “this would be useful” (that’s where Void Elves came from after all, so looking for new sources of power is something they still do), or even have them learn it from their Tauren allies.


well i was trying to determine what would make the devs resistant to adding druids to belfs, and all i could think of is because belfs are already highly populated. giving them a new class when they have more classes than other races is not likely without some compromises, so i thought, well, a possible compromise is you can only select it if you also select a certain set of appearances. that will lower the amount of people willing to roll a belf helf druid. same for velf helf paladins. if your fav appearance is a blueberry velf, you cant be a paladin. etc

What about 1/2 human, 1/4th dreanei and 1/4th orc… What do we get? Lol

Oh right…
'https:/ /

Mok-nathal and half human/half elves before it goes to that things level!

Restricting belf Druids to blue eyes and braided hair isn’t going to do much to mitigate their numbers more than likely.

I doubt this would put a dent in the avalanche of Alliance elf Paladins that would be sure to come.


it would lower it if you can only be the palest skin options for helf mode. lets say you like being tanned with black hair - most of my belf chars have this appearance and my velfs would too but no black hair yet - you cant be a paladin or a druid because it doesnt trigger helf mode. i’m going with the idea that most helfs are very pale. for belfs, maybe the palest is undead skin tone and so helf mode also triggers dark ranger features

I wouldn’t mind seeing a race that has a mix of every single race on Azeroth. Oh man, that would be an Abomination.

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This is a bad line of thought. Best to drop it.

This was because they were NPCs, so they only whipped up a few skins for them. It’s laziness, not representative.


i guess i was under the impression that was how all belfs looked before outlands.

The pic is Medan btw mwahahaha


Halfelf/Halfgoblin for the win.


We need braids and tattoos for everyone. They don’t need to be exclusive.


Thats Nott from Critical Role campaign 2.

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by exclusive i just meant belf helfs dont get alliance braided hairstyles/beards and velf helfs dont get horde braided hairstyles/beards, but since the idea is considered bad because skincolor is such a sensitive subject these days, i withdraw my suggestions. my problem is, i dont really think about game characters as representative of real life. i was just trying to solve problems. i dunno if belfs will ever get druids nor velfs get paladins, without some way to make them less populated/or believably employed, since velfs cant use the light without going boom and belfs already have more classes than other races.

currently, velfs cant be druids, shaman, paladins or demon hunters. most velfs on the forums would like paladin as a class option but its not feasible as a velf. it would be as a helf.


Then what is it from?