Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Well, copy/paste the underwear texture already! Ugh…


Unlike copying the existing skin tones to Void Elves, actually editing the skin textures (to add the underwear) does require some artist dev time. Maybe not a ton, but there’s probably a lot on the artists plates at the moment, and every minute counts leading up to launch.

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Yeah and I have a bridge I want to sell you.

I quoted you just fine. Cause as far as we know, Velves could have indeed ended up eating the Belf scheduled time to work in customization aspects -remember, that underwear texture work pending? it WILL be done before launch; Velves WON´T launch using Belf underwear as per Blizz official communication.

That and the awful underwhelming irrelevant jewerly nobody asked for but that ofc was probably the dev choice for Belves cause god forbids Blizz aknowledge the race is made of warriors and not made only of elitist socialites like their /silly imply…

Anything is possible, man. Nobody say devs scheduled the same amount of time to work on customization aesthetics for all the races; some races probably got more time than others (I mean, Belves are probably quite low in the importance scale for Blizz taking into account they have access to the most OP class combo in existence right now, which by default guarantees a healthy playerbase population in itself…)

Even then, they should have developed at least one of the tones as Undead as well as eye colors as there has been significant player demand for them long before SLs.

I imagine it’s due to some weird internal bureaucracy.


Make all the assumptions you like, but you should probably realize that Blood Elf options were mostly done long before we ever got the unfinished skin tones on the beta/ptr.

So again, having some background in game design, I can confidently say that the Void Elf copy/pasta skin tones played no part in what options were made for Blood Elves or how many options they got. You could just as easily blame Nightborne females for getting that one new earring option for the same thing.

If you’re going to just respond with “you don’t know what they do!” I’m going to throw that right back at you and tell you to stop hiding behind ignorance as an excuse for your hysterics


The testing alone would take at least a week, at least. You would be amazed at the sheer havoc you can wreak by simply changing a couple of variables in a large piece of software. Especially something as bloated as wow.

And I repeat: the blame CAN´T be put on the race (the race doesn´t exist, period). The blame on the choices made and the poor resutls obtained can only be put on the devs in charge, no more and no less.

Maybe it´s a 15 min job for someone working with all his/her dedication on it, but maybe irt becomes a week long tragedy for some intern with a 3 secs concentration spam. The only thing we DO know is that Blizz somehow mismanaged the time suppoosedly dedicated to “expand” the Belf customizations quite grossly.

Bad, bad choices overall… maybe they should had looked at the people in charge of the Nelf options to take the “let´s use the art box” hint for more positive reception and less negative feedback?

It´s actually worse when you realize those undead skins are already available (I mean DK, nuff said…) so the only thing they had to do was to put the red eyes and call it a day.

I´m a firm believer this underwhelming non lore representative customizations ended up on the Belf plate precisely because Blizz is too enamoured with giving relevance to the silly aspect of the race over the actual lore characterization of the race (so to say, they can´t let go of the “Belves have no males” joke nor on the “Belves are entitled superficial a-holes” joke and so on… juts look at the game, there´s ALWAYS some component in the game pointing this stuff regarding the race. In BfA it was the tourist couple, in Legion Aethas, in WoD it was the jewerly building and the whole Ashran plot, etc…

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I’m surprised that they faithfully recreated the Night Elves on the box and have seemingly shied away from doing the same for Blood Elves. This would help accentuate everything Blood Elf players love about the race. To be fair it would seem that they are trying to recreate the Blood Elf in the BC cinematic, but in the same vein, this brings us back to the box art.

Pretty much, even redeveloping them from scratch is minimal and should have already happened by now. Unless they’re ‘saving’ them for some sort of future content patch? Even then there are a number of requests that they could meet with minimal resources.


They could at least do the same jewelry.

Or at least like this one.

Guess they kinda got this one…?

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Indeed. They should match her tiara by adding the same/similar tiaras/diadems to match the Night Elves as opposed to the hair/crown style we have now.

I fear though that they likely won’t finish the concept with the negative feedback that was received over the lack of content Blood Elves received, though to be fair Jewelry shouldn’t have been the first and currently only new customization option as they should have lead with something stronger and less tied to such a specific niche/style.


Yes they do. The hair colors that void elves have doesn’t prevent them from rping high elves.


A really cool Void themed option for Void Elves would be if we could get our Void wings as a barber shop option.


technically, no they don’t, but generally, of course they can. you can rp you’re an orc while being a human, also. doesnt mean you look like an orc. but why fight against the idea of an actual helf mode concept, since both belfs and velfs could get new hairstyles and beards out of the deal?

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There’s an easy explanation for the hair.

Umbric gets you into hair dye, and the stress of being an Alliance Thalassian induces the early stages of male pattern baldness.

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:rofl: i’m nauseated and have a headache, and despite all that, your wit made me giggle. thanks.

new hat? unique :grin:
cool new belt too. i like that belt.

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I got it a while ago, but couldn’t get a mog to go with it until now. It’s a look-a-like of Shaman gear.

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hmm they went for the video promo but not the box art, which is a shame since the box art is actually closer to how they look. that girl in the video doesnt look anything like a belf.

like this but not as angry