Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves


they dont have helf hair or helf haircolors. and as i mentioned earlier, if they made it so selecting the fairer skin colors, you go into helf mode, where your hairstyles/haircolors are helf related and the hair/beard styles are braided in some way. and do this for belfs and velfs, so both can do their own versions of helf.

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Exactly what everyone who opposed helf stuff predicted would happen.

Itā€™s no good saying that it shouldnā€™t come at the expense of belfs. Itā€™s like saying I like eating beef but it shouldnā€™t come at the cost of cows.


Oh my god you actually did it. One of the oldest of the anti discord memes. Part of the ship, part of the crew.


ItĀ“s called ā€œlooking underneath the underneathā€. Or taking note of patterns.

The ā€œbuut, buut!! We didnĀ“t implement x/y/z cause we ran out of timeā€ BS excuse has been consistently used by Blizzard devs since Cata. They literally told Worgen and Goblin players their models were gonna get ā€œupdated eventuallyā€ since the WoD big updateā€¦ and look, it was needed another marketing model updfate plot to marginally touch them!!!

How is it that you people STILL believe the lies of the dev team like 10 years after they started consistently sprouting in half truths in favor of pushing mediocre expacs with 2 years between each new iteration?

Errrā€¦ Blizz devs consistent BS historically deployed to justify them half-asing their final product? Their default excuse for anything is ā€œwe ran out of time / we ran out of resourcesā€.

Laziness 200%ā€¦ Blizzard works under the ā€œno negativity on the dojoā€ motto A.K.A. ā€œwe donĀ“t give a ratĀ“s behind over the opinion of our customersā€.


Nice fanart, but I certainly doubt devs are interested in getting even more players invested in the Belf race Horde side. Belves are in a ā€œprivilegedā€ position regarding playerbase representation.

Maybe if DH didnĀ“t exist this could had become true once upon a time (though considering the ā€œnice treatmentā€ -yes this is sarcasm- Darkspear Trolls and Tauren got in Legion regarding their druid flavor portrayal, maybe no Belf druid is an actual blessing (the last thing I want is yet another aspect of my race being portrayed as subservient to the portrayal of an Alliance raceā€¦ it is currently bad enough with mages and the Kirin Tor Humans; no need to repeat this but using Gary Stu Malfurion + his merry band of hippies)ā€¦

Believe me, I tried to explain the concept of ā€œscheduleā€ to the people here, but got crucified for ā€œdaring to doubt in BlizzĀ“s devsā€ā€¦ as if those very same devs didnĀ“t spend 2 whole freaking years lying to the playerbase (BfA) and destroying entire brands of their own game (Forsaken).

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not much. they put velf hair on belf models. hehe. that was it. oh and blue and purple eyes.

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But since little to no time or resources were spent on Void Elves beyond the eye refit other allied races got, what do Void Elves specifically have to do with eating up the ā€œBlood Elf budgetā€? You could just as easily say the new Mechagnome eyes and separate Kul Tiran beard/mustache options ate some of the ā€œBlood Elf budgetā€.

Iā€™m not saying Blizzard didnā€™t shortchange Blood Elves. Iā€™m also not saying they donā€™t take shortcuts or use BS excuses for cut content. I am saying that Void Elves have nothing to do with why Blood Elves didnā€™t get as robust a selection of options as, say, Night Elves. Copy/pasta skin tones did not eat into any budget.


How sad is this when it looks like much more work than putting three similar shades of blue and calling it a day?

Heck, as a Belf fangirl and Belf lore enthusiast, I can tell you the fact devs insist in reducing the blue eye colors for Belves into the ā€œHigh Elfā€ brand IS supremely insultingā€¦ all the people that wanted to say their very Belfy toon who worked, suffered and fought for QuelĀ“Thalas since the start that just finally got cleaned of the Fel taint and once again have arcane as the primary magical source CANĀ“T do it cause apparently only Helves can have blue eyes, go figureā€¦

Dude, unless you are indeed one of the devs in-charge of the customization ā€œupdateā€, me thinks you canĀ“t be 100% certain that copy-paste exercise effectively didnĀ“t end up taking the gross portion of the time scheduled to expand Belf customizations (and we DO know this ā€œunexpectedā€ copy paste happened cause Blizz themselves told us soā€¦ and time Is a resource buddy). You wanna bet they WILL use it as the excuse to avoid working on more Belf customization stuff? Cause IĀ“m quite certain the odds of my argument are better than yours in regards to this company.

My text was more about RP options -funny how them devs say their goal with the customization update is to ā€œmake broaderā€ the RP possibilities for the players and BAM!! blue eyed Belves can only represent Helves!!. So much for ā€œbroading the horizonā€ā€¦

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belfs get like 3 blue eyes, a couple intermediate between blue and green, also. now they just need purple. ā€¦ oh and dark ranger red


This. It was literally a copy and paste job with preexisting assets as far as anything Void Elves got. If anything it was other core races that demanded any actual resources for new assets, most of which needed them more than Blood Elves did.

Thatā€™s not to say Blood Elves donā€™t still need to be brought up to par with the other races. There have been so many suggestions, most of which would require a minimal amount of work, especially in comparison to the actual new assets other races recieved.


Having some experience in game design, I can say with a fair amount of confidence that the time it took to copy the Blood Elf skin textures, paste them into the bin for Void Elves, and edit the file for those skin tones to show up in character creation probably took less than 15 minutes.

Now it would be a different story if the skins we got had the Void Elf underwear on them because THAT would have required actual artist dev time devoted to it. Whereas the copy/paste currently in beta/ptr did not require any artist dev time. Just to point out how little effort they put into putting those skins on Void Elves, Blizz didnā€™t even copy the facial geometry that goes with the faces using the new textures yet.

So donā€™t go trying to hide behind ignorance of Blizzā€™s process as an excuse to make Void Elves your scapegoat just because Blood Elves got shafted. I may not know the full specifics of what goes on behind the scenes with Blizzard but neither do you. So trying to pin the poor selection of Blood Elf options on the fact that someone at Blizzard took 10 minutes to copy/paste some files and edit another file isnā€™t going to fly.

Rein in your hysterics and finger pointing. You wanna blame someone for the unsatisfactory Blood Elf options, blame Blizzard. But donā€™t sit here and try to put the blame on Void Elves specifically. Blizzard honestly may have thought they gave Blood Elves a lot of great options and only now sees the outcry that they arenā€™t up to snuff. Trying to stage a witch hunt against one race, getting one option, that likely took less than 15 minutes, is ridiculous.


What if the scheduled time to work in Belf customization was 2 hours? (no seriously, who says this isnĀ“t true? as much as I canĀ“t be 100% certain, neither can you dude. And read again, cause I have blamed no one but the devs -if there is a deviation from schedule to work in some other race, guess who made the choice? yup the devs. So who is to blame? the devs, duh. I certainly canĀ“t ā€œblameā€ a nonexistant entity (A.K.A. the Velf race) for the mediocrity and poor time management of a multibillion company).

I literally never did this, if IĀ“m ā€œcookingā€ a witch hunt, thatĀ“s one against the company and itĀ“s mediocre, lazy and lying workers, period.

YOU rein in your finger pointing, dear, cause so far itĀ“s quite irrelevant and pointless. If Velves get more stuff (rofl) in the future, thatĀ“s up to Blizz devs. Oh, and they DID compromise with changing the underwear soā€¦ guess what?

This is Blizz weĀ“re talking about, the company that canĀ“t check their own lore nor much less write their way out of a paper bag. Maybe they indeed believed blinging to death the Belves as if the only recognizable characteristic of the race was the /silly was gonna become a success and were surprised when the rando players had more knowledge of their product (A.K.A. the Belf race) than them?

To be honest, Iā€™d say if you want to say your blue-eyed Blood Elf is a Blood Elf who has been with Quelā€™Thalas all this time and has blue eyes because of the Sunwell, then whenever anyone calls you a High Elf, you remind them not only that youā€™re a Blood Elf, but just how Blood Elves earned their place in the Horde.

As far as Blood Elf customization goes, yeah, itā€™s definitely disappointing. Then again, plenty of races arenā€™t exactly swimming in options the way Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, etcā€¦ are. Hopefully 9.1 gives us a real flood of new stuff.


I fully agree. Jewelry is such a miscellaneous sort of option too and really isnā€™t defining as a race by any stretch. My biggest issue is that even specifically requested skin tones and eye colors havenā€™t made it in, nor have tattoos.

If there is a resource issue, I feel like the devs never paced themselves properly when they were adding stuff to the other core races, especially when half the races look like they won the lottery whereas Blood Elves literally got a charm bracelet and some basic color additions.

They could have definitely added more to Blood Elves and left some of the extra touches for other core races for a content patch.

Personally I never entertained the blue eyes, for me the fel green eyes were too much important and representative of a core historical moment for the Belf race.

My two Belf toons will sport the green eyes to the end of time, man. IĀ“m just incredibly annoyed in how the devs insist in giving the Belves this superficial coating while ignoring the actual lore of the race (letĀ“s say after the final supreme memeing of Aethas in Legion, the current awful customization focused in something thatĀ“s not even relevant for the race -jewerly is NOT a Belf thing ffs, thatĀ“s Draenei stuff!!- and the steady castration of LorĀ“themarĀ“s character in ptr my ā€œfaithā€ in Blizz goodwill regarding the Belves is as low as it can get).

Ergo, the concept of schedule and time managementā€¦ people never figures out just how terribly important is time as a resource (is almost if not even more important than money). The current results indeed point to either a terribad time management or a combination of awful choice selection + terribad time management.


Or they could flag red eyes and Dark Ranger skin tones as usable by players. Pretty sure thatā€™d honestly make a LOT of people a lot happier. Itā€™s only two options, work already done.


Then you shouldnā€™t have quoted me when my post was in the context of someone trying to say Blood Elves lost dev time due to Void Elves getting copy/pasta skin tones. Because that was the context of where my original post you quoted came from.

I can confidently say with a straight face that the Void Elf skin tones were a non-factor in the quality and quantity of Blood Elf options. Iā€™m not excusing Blizzard for wasting dev time on things people didnā€™t ask for, nor am I giving them a free pass on BS excuses for certain things not getting done or mismanaging their time.

My sole issue in the post you quoted was that someone tried to blame the fact that Blood Elf options arenā€™t up to snuff on the Void Elf 15 minute copy/pasta skin tones which is just plain ridiculous.


They canā€™t flag the Darkfallen skin tones as ā€œplayableā€ until the female skin has some underwear. Game ratings and all that. :stuck_out_tongue: