First disconnected when trying to log in to a character. Finally got in then disconnected when I walked. Managed to get to the vault the next time then d/ced again. D/ced after that from walking. Now whenever I try to log onto a character, I d/c.
It started to happen with me again as I tried to log in right now.
Last night the only way I was able to fix it is with full reset to modem-router and adapter, but today it doesn’t work
Going into network settings and doing network reset fixed it for me. It has to be something on blizzard end, I never had it happen to me before the Tusday maintenance
There is a maintenance scheduled for just a few hours from now. I recommend holding off on troubleshooting efforts until that maintenance is completed.
restarting my PC seemed to fix it
After maintenance the problem is there and now restarting network/pc not fixing anything
I removed all my addons, repaired my files, flushed my DNS, updated my drivers, and still can’t log in for more than 30 seconds without DC’ing. Gonna try restarting the comp next but I doubt it’ll work and I can’t figure out why I can’t play when most others, including my bae next to me with the same setup I have, can log in just fine.
Edit: After doing ALL THIS, I think, THINK, it’s fixed. I’ve yet to be dc’d again. Perhaps some residual issue from the recent ddos incident? idk.
In the same boat, now getting WoW51900325 error on the disconnect. Also when I try to log in with different character ( both toons in same guild ) I can see my other character being online ~And it boots me short after ( about 10 seconds )
I can’t play the game since the ddos incident. Disconecting every minutes. When is this going to be fixed? Mainantence didn’t help with anything.
Still getting dc’d in both classic sod and retail
Same here.
As of 20 mins ago (and since the hot fix today) been Dcing after trying to change characters (EVERYTIME), Dcing talking to an NPC after turning a quest in, and Dcing after hearthing. When I first logged in after the hotfix my Home and World latency was upwards of 2000ms, but after Dcing a couple of time, they went back down to 25ms each like normal.
Happening here as well. Ever since yesterday’s messed up login servers.
Their ‘notice’ on bnet launcher went away and the D/Cs still persist. It was a bit better today. But still d/c’d during a boss fight, a pvp event, flying on a flight path, standing in Org, etc.
Fix your servers please.
If you are still disconnecting, try an alternative network to rule out the ISP. A VPN or a hotspot on another carrier (different from ISP) will do the trick. And before someone says “I can connect to everything else,” that doesn’t matter if the road between your ISP and Blizz is flooded or on fire.
But here’s the thing - if everything BUT blizzard is fine, then we have a blizzard problem.
If I can fast or ookla speed tests that are fine. If my ISP is providing digital signals and I’m posting here, if I can hit engadget and any other web site, if I can access spotify to download music.
All without problems. But there are hundreds of us with a problem accessing a Login server, or being disconnected, Ochams Razor would indicate the problem isn’t at the client end, but closer to the MSFT/Blizzard servers.
And if you are DC’d constantly when many others are complaining, it’s probably a network issue with the application server, versus the application client.
That’s just not how the internet works, as I explained in the other thread. You can’t possibly test every service available to see if a single other one is giving an issue.
There could be 2–5 other companies between your home router and the Blizzard server. Any one of those could be the cause of the issue.
It’s almost like there is a sticky post on this.
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