Content Unlock Delayed -- September 15

Delaying isn’t the same as releasing them on purpose that way.

I’ve played this game for 17 years, in all of the main game, not including classic launches (i didn’t play wow classic beyond the first 2 weeks of MC) raids have released (or intended to be released) on reset day.

That was actually released on the 13th, a thursday, which is still stupid. People plan their weeks around tues, release things on tues.

I hear this makes a difference in how you prudentially plan your raid days…


Have any info or data to support that? Everywhere I look states they opened BWL on the 12th, a Wednesday

I’ve raided on tues for most of my time in wow, it usually isn’t an issue.

The last time it was a major issue was BRF in WoD.

Works for me, couldn’t do anything for awhile anyway since the lady wants “quality time” or some other such nonsense.

WoWhead says the 13th, Icy says the 12th, don’t know which one was right honestly, I didn’t play classic.

In the main game it’s been tues except for WoD releasing on a thurs for some weird reason. The game revolves around tues, arbitrarily waiting til 5pm on a wed screws with peoples raid schedules. Our t/w team gets one less prog night then us this week, and that sucks for them.

And if anything more pops up wed. raids will be out too.

We still needed to get some people attuned so we would have had to do stuff on Tuesday anyway. Plus double tokens showing up early was nice.

They were too busy shredding and lost track of time.


Have your T/W team show up on an off night, if they are dedicated enough to not want to miss one night of progression they are dedicated enough to raid on an off night one week.

not all 25 can show up on an off night, and the ones who can are also in our th/sat group who’s also raiding fri this week

This was posted 19 days ago

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Split it into a few different raid groups then and run them on a few different days so that people can make themselves available. If you guys are that dedicated to not want to miss this one night of progression, there are ways around it. Retail world first raiders do it all the time.

Im going to the gas station…anyone want anything?

and? just because they knew it would be wed. doesn’t mean they can upend their life/work schedules because blizzard arbitrarily decided to release the raid over 24 hours later than they usually do.

That doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people have jobs and families and other duties and can’t just switch raid night, even if you give them a month notice. It also depends what type of guild you are, we raid Tue-Wed, but are a casual guild so it’s not a big deal losing 1 night this week. But it does mess up people going for world 1st, especially EU players.

than that’s YOUR problem NOT blizzard’s. it is NOT up to blizzard to accomodate YOUR raid schedule.

I mean, it kind of is.

for most of 17 years they have released raids on tues, people base schedules around the tues raid release because that’s standard.

It’s not our fault they arbitrarily decided to release on wed for some reason. It doesn’t even affect me, I raid Thurs/Sat in tbcc, but I feel bad for tues raids, maybe even wed raids as who knows if it will actually be up in 15 min.

Enough salt to season my fries for years right here.

i see you posting about a complaint more than the supposed complainer’s in here.