Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

What’s artificial about it? it was the result of historical and economic trends and forces. Economics has always driven history.

I’ll stop.

That we as human beings can make decisions for ourselves and a future that isn’t taken by force is entirely possible. That those alive at the time knew that it was possible, that they knew that it could be done without bloodshed, despite all of the propaganda that was being churned out.

I’ll stop history posting in the story forum, but, I want to end it with this; those that simply accept it as inevitable and simply a fact of life are those that would perpetuate the vicious cycle, and enables those in power to do so without consequence.


Probably we both should lest we incur the wrath of Amadis the Dreadful.

History has a major force of inertia on it’s side. And the rise of the Internet has generally made things worse more than better. It can be fought but it takes exceptional people to do so because the odds are not on their side.f

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Is easy the expansion pack lore never happened, same goes for cata

Don’t… the last few Heritage armor quests were the form of . Great you’re level 110, here’s your transmog set!

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That’s a Highborne ruin, not a Kal’dorei city. It’s a pretty pisspoor substitute for Darnassus. And I don’t think Blizzard would be keen on kicking the Tauren out to make Feralas a Night Elf domain territory.

That is the situation for Allied Race characters, not any others.

Don’t even have to kick the Tauren out. They barely have an established presence in Feralas at all in comparison to the Night Elves. And the Night Elves and Horde Tauren get along just fine any way, given that the Night Elves send aid to help the Horde Taurens take back Freewind Post in the very next zone after.

That said, Dire Maul is a literal hole in the ground, so Hyjal is way better.

They do? When?

    We're helping the tauren to retake Freewind Post and push back the Grimtotem.

Highborne are Night Elves biologically speaking. They even added the Highborne skin options to customization options for Night Elves. The cultural distinctions aside the Highborne city even had an abortorium where treants can grow and if Night Elves wanted they could change the city areas to fit their modern themes.

The Druid area can be where the Highborne housed their treants and Ancients. The Athenium district can be where Mages can live and study since it’s a giant library/education/archive/research center. They can also rebuild a new temple to Elune and the civilian sections of the city are still there to be used for housing new elves. The Coliseum could be taken over by the Kaldorei military. The whole city is eerily preserved in near perfect condition to be reused, repurposed and rebuilt.

The cultural differences can not be set aside so easily. The Highborne considered the commoner Kal’dorei little more than brute animals and the commoners returned the sentiment after the one thing holding them together Azshara, stopped doing so.

But you know it’s not going to happen unless the Horde get something to match it. And that would have to be more than just a reversion of Under City to it’s pre BFA status.

There’s also the issue of Feralas being contested territory. to make it into Night Elf territory would be another thing that would have to be balanced because the Horde does have a small village there.

Eh, they made it work in Starcraft, with the High and Dark Protoss.


The Darkshore Warfront and the associated world quests in a zone that Horde formerly had no content shows that such balance is not a factor into future content, especially not when leveling content can remain phased as it has been.

Honestly I’ve just made peace with the fact they’re not touching the Forsaken storyline anytime soon if at all in this expansion. I kind of expected that as they were absent from the final confrontation with Arthas, and the only character more important to their lore is Slyvanas. So of course they’ll be no Forsaken around. They’ll be called in again next time we’ve to pretend gas weapons are somehow especially horrific in a setting where burning people alive, from the inside out, is a common and accepted combat maneuver.

I’m at peace because yes the child in me who dressed as Dracula for Halloween is as happy with Revendreth as he was with the t-rexs in Zandalar. But it’s really Maldraxxus that stole my heart immediately. I don’t think I’ve been so instantly delighted by a faction since, well, the Forsaken.

But I am a bit worried I’ll end up with a bad taste in my mouth later on. Because Blizz has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are indeed capable of writing militaristic undead who use black magic and bioweapons who are none the less three dimensional characters. Many of which are actually quite friendly, caring and charming once you get to know them.

So if the Forsaken are the one dimensional ‘insert bad guys here’ faction for yet another expansion I’ll know it was done deliberately and not out of just sheer ineptitude.


What Medivh did to the dragon is rather unique-- Though I will agree that most forms of magical death are horrific in their own ways. Being burned to death is horrible, but fire mages/shamans/warlocks are not imposed upon to cut it out. Warlocks/death knights can literally tear pieces of a victim’s soul out which is its own kind of awful.

I suppose to find out why the Blight is deigned to be so awful we’d have to look at the real-life history regarding the banning of disease-based bio-weapons and chemical weapons like mustard gas. Not something I know much about, so if anyone aware of the history would mind explaining why those received special attention it would be appreciated. With bio-weapons, at least, I’m assuming because of how indiscriminately it kills, and spreads easily to civilians populations, though such is not the case for the Blight (though the Forsaken don’t mind dumping it all over civilians, of course).

It may be, in part, due to how the use of the Blight causes long-term damage to survivors and to any land it’s used on. Southshore, supposedly, won’t be cleaned up for decades because of the potency of the Blight they used. Lordaeron city is entirely uninhabitable.

It may also because of the general lack of defense against it. A mage hurls a fireball, and you can feasibly block it with a shield or dodge out of the way. Fill the area with gas that liquefies your insides? There’s no defense against that unless you’ve prepared specifically for that encounter. (Still waiting on those reverse-engineered gas masks, Okri.)

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I’m aware to it’s allusions to gas weapons in the first world war. Which is one of the few things that were so awful mankind was smart enough to decide not to use them.

Though if you’re interested go look up some Allied leaders opinions on using them when the other side couldn’t retaliate in the same language. I think it had more to do with soldiers being really disinterested in trying to seize and hold a toxic wasteland than it did concerns about humane conditions. But, still, not being quite as awful as we could be is at least a net win regardless of rationale.

In WoW however it just seems, kinda dumb. Like I’d assumed the Forsaken used it because a gas weapon to people who neither breathe nor need eyes would be an incredible critical edge. But it also effects them, to the point where the people who don’t breathe need to wear gas masks.

I guess that makes sense when it was designed to also kill the Scourge. But at this point they’re kind of a non-issue. So… think they’d at least dial back the strength on it to ‘melts everything’ to ‘melts lungs if inhaled’.


I get ‘High King’ vibes from Calia. They were and are clearly positioning her as the Forsaken’s new leader but the fan outcry was great enough that they slammed down the handbreak and busted out some Twitter doublespeak. “Just a figurehead”, “not about control”, “same as a Supreme Allied Commander”, etc. I’m sure the position (and by extension, the race) will be left in limbo for a while now.


Honestly fans make story telling impossible, and that’s including my own past opinions. Calia is the rightful heir, she can also help unite the undead in something other than hate, fear and anger. She can also stabilize the undead and help them cope with their pain and anxieties as seen with those raised in the Fourth War joining her. She also wants to build a New Lordaeron, however, we don’t know what that will be.

I would ideally like a neutral surface city and an underground Horde area. I can dream, but ultimately her place is with her people. I hope they finally reveal who her daughter and husband are. Just so we can finally have the rumor mill put to rest.

Guys guys you are all forgetting

Showing Horde Victories, and changing zones to suit it = Great!

Showing Alliance Victories, and changing Zones to suit it = LOL No.

Once you accept this is how Blizzard operates you’ll temper your expectations accordingly.

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