Actually most ISPs will credit you for down time in many cases. They just don’t do it automatically, you have to call them to request the credit.
My utilities have it written in contracts that they do not reimburse. Just like Blizzard does in the contract we agreed to. We aren’t getting our 50¢ back for a server bug. Give them time to figure it out before we all (including me) go full Karen on them.
Blizzard CS on Twitter just says "if youre disconnecting in Diablo, do this list of like telling users to uninstall this and that and jump through a bunch of flaming hoops when they would know if they checked its not the thousands of players affected, it just might be the blizz servers affected by the latest patch update.
Cannot move but a few steps before disconnecting over and over.
Are you guys all running strict firewalls or something? Maybe Blizzard changed something on their end and maybe it’s not playing nicely with the in<=firewall=>out traffic between your PCs and the server.
Same issue here.
I haven’t changed anything since 0830 UK time when disconnects started. I have no firewall that was there to block anything. Every time they do an update it breaks something.
Now I can’t even log between characters on the same server (Moon Guard) without the game going grey and crashing. Getting worse rather than better.
Couple of months ago a bug got Mac users out of the game for 2 weeks. I hope this bug gets fixed sooner. I had never been unintentionally out of the game for so long as in this season.
I can not log on , keeps saying no internet which is false , I am on my desktop and have internet . I sign in with my mobile authenticator and keeps saying no internet. Does anyone know what is going on ? Been using the same pc for over 2 years , no firewall
I have been getting this error every time I try to do the Main quest Training Wings, where you are turned into the little dragon in the Ruby Life Pools have to use special skills to complete the quest. There’s no story progress for me until this gets resolved. I have been able to do side quests and quests on other toons. Just not that one.
I have this going on also while trying to do a quest. I have tried all the tricks i thought might help. But nope even after not logging in over night still have the same issues, But can play all my alts on the same server just fine.
i have still the same problem with whichever toon i log - after / minutes i get disconnected
Howdy Everyone,
We are currently not having any server issues that are being tracked. There were a couple when this thread was first made. We recommend making your own post or putting in a ticket if you are still having connection issues so we can figure out on an individual base what’s happening.