Consolidated Surv/BM Hunter Feedback for TWW Beta


Already mentioned in my post, twice. Please read before posting.


Thanks for maintaining this post. Hopefully, hunters get some meaningful tree revisions this week.


Going to be posting a larger mock-up of some additional feedback on the beta forums but an additional gripe right now is that it’s extremely unintuitive right now to try to get SS out in AoE for Survival. Thought I’d mention it here for additional visibility.
Having some sort of application via butchery would make this disappear, possibly Volatile Reagents (I think that’s the right talent) or a choice node with it.

Post Haste needs to be back at 50% speed bonus like in retail. Going from 50% to 25% speed bonus is going to hurt since hunters already have a hard time kiting in pvp.

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Make explosive shot MM only or just change survival back to a range dps.

Steel trap should just be removed.

With the recent change, it feels like you can squeeze in a MB/RS to apply SS now and it should be earlier in the rotation to benefit from Outlander Poison. I’d be a happy camper if MV/RS/Butchery all applied SS.

This was already implemented. Extra speed is always nice for all content.

Neither is going to happen. Explosive Shot is core to Survival now and gives the spec a fitting theme - I wouldn’t be upset if they moved Explosive Shot to just Survival since the casual BM players seem to struggle mashing more than 2 buttons is the general feedback they’re giving. Survival has been melee for 8 years; play MM/BM if you want to be a true ranged hunter. You can play ranged Surv already if you really want to - it’s just not going to perform as well compared to a polearm.

Agreed - Steel trap is just not a good button to press. I mentioned this above.

Let’s keep this thread to meaningful and thoughtful feedback, thanks.


As it stands right now MB is kind of a dead talent.


Players have been requesting the return of ranged survival for a long time. Unfortunately, there has been no acknowledgement from blizz for this rather large group of hunter players. As of now, msv has turned into a 3 target cleave spec with the mongoose and flanking cleave talents. Bomb was gutted, and while the numbers might be there, the flair is gone, and so the desire and theme for the spec.
Explosive shot is a welcome return, but unfortunately it is not enough to reignite interest.

Unfortunately, the changes will not be bringing any new players surv’s way.

As for meaningful feedback, blizz does need to address CA other cd useage. They are clunky, and for their position on the tree, they need to be more significant. Perhaps weaving in the new cleave playstyle into the cds for more meaningful burst, something you often need in raids. With feral being just as bad as msv, msv needs just a little something to secure its raid spot.

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No… I want to be able to fight side by side with my pet. Ranged dps gets so boring having a melee spec on hunter was one of the best changes they made. I remember back in 2004/05 making a melee hunter build just for laughs even though it didn’t work well.


RS and MB need a significant damage increase now since everything is empowered by surv’s mastery now instead of just RS/MB. RS just needs a much larger increase to be worth the talent point.

Currently, CA feels super lackluster. I’ve been thinking that if they rework CA, maybe just clicking CA grants 3 stacks of Tip of the Spear in addition to the empowerment though that’s not much more fun than the current implementation.


New player to melee Survival as of this beta. Switching my main to Survival. I can’t speak to damage meters and such, but this version of Survival is the most fun melee spec I’ve played. Hits every mark for me.

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Then you obviously are true white knighter.

Congratulations, that is the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen on these forums in almost twenty years.

This is a part of the reason developers struggle to give meaningful feedback when sifting through nonsense, mindless arguing, and bickering. Take it to another thread. Meanwhile you look at Mage’s feedback threads and you have everyone writing essays and well documented feedback of what needs to be added or changed.

Ranged Survival isn’t coming back, move on with your lives. Meaningful feedback and ideas only please.


Wouldnt you just be happy with never seeing rsv again. Many of us would love it but its ppl like you who prevent it.

Ill drop it here, but dont assume everyone agrees with you, bc many dont.

Hahaha, you’re horrible.

why can’t you have both

devs can make 2 lines to spec into

Completely different builds/shots etc…

If Ranged Survival was going to be a thing, they would have done in this recent rework. They didn’t so move on. And if you really want to, you can play Surv with a bow currently but YMMV (and you’re straight-up trolling).

Like I said, above, meaningful feedback and ideas only, please. Anything about ranged survival is being reported as spam as it’s not relevant to this thread.

3rd wave of Hunter changes:
Class changes

Implosive Trap - This is one of the things I asked for so super happy to see it added. The long 1.5m CD for an AoE kick is a bit of a letdown though when you have other classes with 1 minute AoE stops like Monk’s Leg Sweep.

Territorial Instincts redesigned - I’m not a fan of this change. This is much worse than the previous iteration. The 8s of 10% less damage taken is really 3s after the 5s of being stunned which I guess is useful in overworld content or the slim chance the mob targets the hunter again with their cast. I’d still prefer this to be a 5 yard stun.

Removal of Steel Trap & Death Chakram - Good changes. DC was kind of button bloat and Steel Trap was not a good button to press as a slightly better Ice Trap.

Notes: I’d still like to see the PvP nodes be usable in PvE. Make Ghillie Suit allow camo in combat and Roar of Sacrifice a 10% DR for a party member.

Beast Mastery

These changes seem pretty minor but are fine.


Sic’ Em Redesigned - Great change.

Coordinated Assault Redesigned - Great change, much more simple.

Symbiotic Adrenaline Changed - Good change, makes the shorter CA feel more impactful.

Flanking Strike - I feel like these changes were from very old feedback that FS was a better KC (in DF) and while I appreciate the less button bloat, there are concerns about ‘leaping to the target’ as KC is a ranged ability. Also, this iteration of FS doesn’t proc/activate interactions with KC making it now a worse KC technically with this iteration.
Personally, I’m fine with this change because we have Aspect of the Eagle baseline, Disengage if needed, and we’re generally in melee already (I also forget FS is even a button at times as it was so unimpactful in DF) but a lot of people in the Hunter Discord seem to dislike this change and prefer last week’s interaction with FS being a spender and feel like this is an overreaction to the button bloat feedback. I’m fine either way.

Mongoose Fury(MF) Reworked - It’s more of a maintenance buff now. This somewhat feels like the right direction since we have a lot of buttons competing to be clicked during the window between bombs, KC/FS, ES, SH, CA, and harpooning for focus with ToE. I suppose since it only takes 2 globals for MB to do more than RS throughout an entire encounter, the change seems positive for raid while maintaining the filler role (or not being taken at all) for M+ still. Overall, decent change in the right direction.