Console port addon

I’ve been using ConsolePort for a few weeks now with pretty good results, regardless of what someone who has never actually used the mod may think is possible. I’m astounded that someone who has no idea how to make it work would spend so much time telling you that it’s impossible. I too am a long-time IT vet, and I’ve made a lucrative career out of doing what others said wasn’t possible. I’m unimpressed with arguments from lack of vision.

Anyway, in my experience, trying to make EVERYTHING available from a controller is just asking for frustration. Instead, I’ve made allowances for my rotations using the X, Y, A, and B buttons using the bumper and trigger shifts. Actions that I perform all the time are on the unshifted mode - just regular presses of the face buttons. Then, depending on the class and spec, I have LB to shift to secondary actions that I perform a little less frequently. These include self-heals, dots, etc. LT-shifted face buttons are for the more contextual types of actions. Things that are more reactive to what the opponent does, or “OH #&*%!” kinds of things.

You might think to use the RB and RT buttons to be part of your core rotation, but that isn’t always the best idea. these are buttons that you have access to pretty much no matter what else you’re doing with the controller. I typically focus these on actions that help me get away, or that I need in a pinch. Sometimes, depending on the class/spec, these are a core part of the rotation, other times they’re just things that are handy to have access to.

That leaves the D-pad with all three modes (unshifted + LB + LT). The unshifted buttons I use for pet management, mounts, food/drink, longer heals, etc. I don’t have a good strategy for the shifted modes here. All of my classes/specs are a little different I’d love to hear what others do.

All of the available buttons add up to almost 30 possible actions. That’s pretty dang good for a ‘filthy casual.’ If you combine it with some smart macros, or perhaps GSE, you can really nail the efficiency / effectiveness sweet spots.


I’ve set up WoWMapper and ConsolePort to work with xbox one controller, but looking to set up my chatpad to work as well so i can set up hotkeys and whatnot. I’ve read in other forums that this is possible and other people have successfully done it. The chatpad plugs directly into my controller, am hoping to be able to set it up to use the controller for movement and looking around and mouse controls, but set up hotkeys/bindings to the chatpad so I can still maintain the typical keyboard hotkey/bindings. Anyone have any experience doing this, and if so, would you please help me? Like I said, I have read other forums where people have successfully done this. Thank you in advance.

I play with a controller… you haters have no F’ing clue what you’re talking about… I can run circles around anyone with a controller and do often. You made the mistake in all your ignorance of assuming that playing with a controller somehow means my mouse and keyboard are in the closet. I still have my mouse and my keyboard and use both in conjunction WITH a controller. I multi-box 2 toons with a controller with NO problems and you all say it’s “impossible” to play one toon? Haha. If you haven’t tried it, and know nothing about it, then just shut your “all knowing” (know nothing) pie holes and quit bashing something you’re personally just too stupid to do. Most people have no clue how I run 3 or 4 toons at once, but then they don’t opine about it either. And as far as TOS - nothing I do is against the TOS. Until you learn about it, try it, and master it, just keep your opinions to yourself, because obviously, you have no clue what you’re talking about… every function of a mouse + every function of my keyboard + every function of a controller (never once looking anywhere but my screen) I actually have more buttons than someone without the controller. This whole thread sounds like a bunch of Noobs who don’t know how to do math. Maybe someone with some math skills will come in here and tell us all how many different combinations of commands you can give with a controller that has 14 buttons, two joysticks and a track pad… but I’ll tell you what I know…it works, it works great, and it’s fun! Maybe that’s why so many people failed at 25’s back in the day… maybe they we’re looking at their keyboard while they stood in the fire! Hahaha


I mistakingly replied to you while attempting to reply to one of the haters on here. Sorry.

For the record, I raided as both Enhancement and Marksmanship in MoP and WoD using Console Port. It was doable, but not optimal. Remember that MoP was the absolute height of ability bloat. This was using an old Logitech joypad that was missing the center XBox/PS button as well, so I had a grand total of 16 inputs (not counting joystick movement/camera control). I had to use some of those inputs for things like jumping and looting.

For a DPS spec, with heavy use of macros, this is absolutely doable.

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Please don’t necro old threads.

In the future please keep in mind that this is a Players-helping-Players forum and its really inappropriate to just unload with anger and vitriol over some perceived wrong. Leave that in the GD Forum.

If you are going to participate, try to do so constructively either by posting specific questions or replying to specific questions with useful information. And clearly nothing about what you posted was intended to be constructive. You may not like Ehiztari or how he replied but he was trying to be helpful, even if it not the answer originally hoped for and possibly less than accurate. He made an honest effort.

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Controller for WoW is totally a thing. Combine WOWMapper with Console port and viola! The angry tauren is just angry. Sad people say nay and happy people say yae.

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autohotkey >_> …You could play this game with an Atari 2600 joystick. But your character would essentially be a hands-on bot, at that point. Sadly, given the state of class balance over that past three expansions, some classes could still gain significant rating using a methods of game-play as dysfunctional as that.

I set up my dad’s WoW with an 8Bitdo SN30 Pro+ controller. This is a man who graduated high school four decades before a typing class would have been a required study. Needless to say, his hunt-and-peck method of typing just couldn’t keep up with his character’s needs. He does quite well with the controller, for an ole-timer. lol

There’s a Facebook streamer that plays on a controller pretty well I’ve seen him raid and even do mythic+ I’ll have to go find him idr off the top of my head

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Shutup fool. I’ve tanked and healed using consoleport/wowmapper and literally been lauded over for my ability to out do most other tanks and heal at least on par to most other healers in the guild. If you aren’t stupid and use it properly you can easily get 80 easy to access keybinds but the default 60 is more than enough in most cases. We get it, you don’t think it’s possible. You are genuinely misinformed. Maybe YOU can’t do it but there are plenty of us who can. I dare a mf to try and kite me in a BG. Its nearly impossible without stunning as I am way faster using a controller than m/k. Just because you can’t do something different effectively doesn’t mean others cannot. Further more your pretentious attitude make you really unlikable in general. Just stop. You sound like a whiney fanboy.


well this thread has been necro’ed like 500 times.

But it does look like more robust controller support is being added for Shadowlands. It would be nice to get some more isnight on what this entails. From what I hear, it looks like you may have to rely less on jerry-rigging a bunch of addons, although I’m not sure what that means exactly.

Perhaps WoWmapper will finally be redundant. WoWmapper has been sort of a “grey area” for some, because of how it employs the use of a controller.

There’s an article on WoWhead that talks about it. And Ion confirmed that this is a step towards accessibility improvements and the like that would really benefit some people who maybe can’t rely so much on a keyboard and mouse for extended period of time.

So far this looks like great news. No, WoW isn’t being “dumbed-down”, and no, it’s not coming to consoles. It’s just for controller support.

I’m happy to see this change. Hopefully with more people being able to try it out freely would lead to more community feedback on what ergonomic choices they make as far as button-spell mapping.

They’ve given it.

They are exposing keybinds for controller inputs, primarily aimed at the XBox Adaptive Controller, but which should work for pretty much any arbitrary controller.

This does not affect ConsolePort in the slightest, as the point of ConsolePort is to optimize the GUI for controllers. It should make WoWMapper (whose entire purpose is to map controller buttons to KB/M inputs) unnecessary.

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In response to your original post, my best suggestion to you is just go with WoWMapper and Consoleport. Where it’s currently at today 5/25/2020 each time you load in on a new character no matter what level, Consoleport has default macros for your controller to give you full use of your abilities . L1-SHIFT L2-ALT L1+L2-CTRL and you have complete use of R1 R2 X :stop_button::arrow_up_small::record_button: and the D-Pad for your abilities as well. I’ve been using it for about 2 weeks and been having a blast . Works for classic as well. I havnt figured out healing yet but I plan on doing so because I genuinely enjoy playing with a controller . My wrists dont hurt from being propped on a keyboard and mouse all day, I just finished playing for 12hrs today leveling my classic Mage. And I feel fine . Its comfortable. Its fun. You can macro a couple of emotes for some immersion. I have lol, dance, and cheer macroed to L2+ D-pad down left and right . And obviously I have a keyboard to text chat and have convos if I’m not on voice .

To summarize, yes you can play with a controller. And the way to do it right now is WoWMapper and ConsolePort untill blizz integrates their own gamepad support and then WoWMapper will be obsolete and ConsolePort will remain the UI addon it truly is.

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I played from WOTLK to Legion using an XBox controller; it can absolutely be done. Back then I used a program similar to WoWMapper, Macaroon - an addon that let you exceed the 255 macro character limit - and a bunch of macros. Currently getting back into the game with WoWMapper and Consoleport.

The only thing I wouldn’t do with a controller is raid heal. I would dungeon heal and tanked 10 and 25 man raids with ease. There are more than enough buttons for all your spells and abilities. You’re not going to communicate via chat on the fly, but that’s what voice chat is for.

For me macros are key, as they let you have different spell/ability layouts based on spec, stance, whether you’re in a group or not, etc. They can take a while to set up, but it’s totally worth it.

I’ve been tanking mythic dungeons, and heroic raids with console port for over 6 months and haven’t had a problem at all. Using the left side trigger and button and both-at-same-time gives 40 hotkeys (although console have reserved some for the pop-in area specific stuff). Plus console port has the ring that expands to allow for junk stuff.

Honestly, I’m much more mobile in fights with the controller. I enjoy the game much more

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I’ve been using console port for years. It works great for me playing solo, tanking in raid, whatever. I dunno if I’d want to do it as a healer, but I haven’t had any problems otherwise. I would watch youtube vids on how to set it up and then figure which keybinds work for you. It definitely takes a little time to get it comfortable, but I would never go back now. Moral: Never listen to nay-sayers. Follow your dreams lol

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