Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

Blue post says nothing is wrong guys don’t worry


Hey Kaivax, I don’t think things are 100% fixed. I lost 120 conquest when I capped my conq bar without spending any. Seasonal total earned conq is only showing 150, and the conq bar which was filled 4000/4000 yesterday is now 120/4000 today.


Most PvPers are on 100% horde or 100% alliance servers, lol. Most casual* pvpers. Competitive pvpers exist also.

Let’s not act like there’s only one group of pvpers, just like there’s not just one group of pvers. There are serious raiders and there are casual raiders. Same content, different goals. Wild concept, I know.

What’s really unfortunate about this is that there were very reasonable solutions offered by the community, all of which were ignored because they probably would have required a little more work to implement. Instead we have this hideous botch job of a season start. Players already have their weapons (and more), and yet this was not enough for any action from the devs.

I can only speak for myself, but I would gladly wait a week or two for a working product instead of this. But if you’re not going to do that, if you insist on rolling out untested and buggy content, at least DO SOMETHING about it retrospectively.


Yikes :S GG.

Perma ban the exploiters, they knew what they were doing.
Never understood why blizzard will ban you over words typed but not disgusting degenerate cheating.


Pvp vendors back when?

My preraid bis gloves for pve comes from pvp…

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they’ve been back since yesterday

Kaivax, please update the title of this post to “Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Inchoate”.

The dictionary defines “resolved” as “firmly determined to do something”.


we looked and found that no one had gone so far over the cap that we needed to make adjustments to them.

People literally have conquest weapons, wtf? Any other patch/version of the game, these items would’ve been removed.


Perma ban exploiters like snutz, dog has both conq daggers and 2 pieces of conq gear, how is this not a valid reason for them to be banned?


It’s always the same people. Exploit early and exploit often nothing happens to you.


Now you guys have broken AV weekend.

can you do anything right?

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AV weekend is fine, it starts on the 21st.

It was scheduled for this weekend…

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Okay so it was delayed for two weeks, still don’t see how it’s broken if it was just adjusted.

They didn’t tell anyone, just left the calendar blank after reset prob. It was on the calendar last weekend.

I didn’t say it was broken, pointing the fact that it was scheduled for this weekend.

Its broken because theres no BG weekend this weekend. and on the 22nd its both AV AND twin peaks

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I said broken because of the first person I replied to but you’re right, you didn’t say it was broken and yes it would’ve been nice if they did communicate with us more but it’s honestly really minor.

And that’s an issue because? It’s just adjustments, nothing’s broken. AV and TP being on the 21st together doesn’t mean that it’s broken.

Yes it does because every X weeks theres no bg weekend active. Does that make sense? Instead of having them double up they could have a bg weekend active every week (like intended)