Conquest Earnings Increase -- Sept. 28

true… this is a step in the right direction but still a long ways to go.
but jumping down the devs throats with toxicity wont help much either… he need to acknowledge that this is a good move, but continue to push them to fix the big issues like boosters and too high of a gear gap/sets

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I wasn’t toxic to a dev. We have been nice, just like with conduit energy. You have to be rude for them to get it. Seriously it been too much for too long. We dont have to acknowledge that this is a good move, it a GD band aid on the core problem.


The Midnight Courser was the last thing available in Legion. You had to get all the honor on one toon - which drove people nuts who wanted to play alts. So, in BFA, they combined all the honor you earned on all your toons, stretched out the rewards by a ridiculous amount and I believe that they added 1 pet (don’t remember where) and the Blood Courser @ 500 when they went to the crazy new honor level system in BFA. Too much stick and not enough carrot for many, I would think.

I’m just glad I did get the Midnight Courser in Legion. I still haven’t reached 500 not in BFA and not in SL. Of course I didn’t bother buying SL until July since I could see the gear gap was going to be huge for someone like me that doesn’t do ranked.

In her defense, there’s a literal megathread on PTR regarding PvP gear getting supported by both casuals & high rated players alike, and it has receives 0 feedback.

Can’t help but understand many of us feel abandoned at this point. Even if they’re not gonna fix it, tell us something so we can screw off. We’re getting left in the dark right now.


hmmm that’s really not encouraging… I’m gonna try to stay optimistic that pvp changes are coming

For reference, there’s two large PvP threads with a large amount of community support:

On the PTR forums

On the Arena forums


And they are still there, and there are still a lot of people there, hell the entirety of S1 The maw was a heavy pvp zone. Same for korthya now, even when almost everybody achieved what they were in for 9.1
Crystal clear you are just arguing for the sake of arguing here.

Until MOP when base resilience came in, then it was rather useless and the onyl reason PvE gear wouldnt decimate pvp players in instance pvp was because the pve gear toned down a lot in there.
Again not even in pvp realms people went around using pvp trinkets and pvp gear, mostly because wpvp was pratty much dead since cata and aside few exceptions they were all heavily one sided.

At late seasons? Yes, people would do it. It was just faster and easier to cap conq in ashran in wod than doing any pve related grinding.
It was also one of the reason we got legion stat templates and literally completely rng based gearing for pvp throughout the entirety of legion too. And people complained a lot so we got what we have since bfa, terrible pvp gearing systems because blizzard doesnt want it affecting pve players at any given moment.

Nah, it’s quite comparable. FOMO needs to die, and if Blizzard wants to stick to “diminshing efforts” then they need to apply it evenly or get rid of the concept.

I also don’t like my own posts in the threads you talk about with forum alt characters, unlike some people. :clown_face:

For competitive pvp Yes, and not just different legos, you must farm maw and world quests and reputations constantly to upgrade conduits. Now they add some new torghast with domination socket?

Ive pvp for 13+ years, is my favourite in wow. But its not worth spending 70% of time in game doing chores so I can do it

That wasn’t on purpose, I just didn’t respond to your post. I went back to see what I liked and tried to unlike them by hitting the heart but it wasn’t letting me so I said screw it. Didn’t need to explain it to you though but I did try to fix it.

Either way, no. Doesn’t matter if it’s related, that topic has its own thread and it isn’t this one. You already know that, posting about it in multiple different threads is just annoying regardless of whether we agree or disagree. The other thread is dying I get that but keep it there, that’s what it’s for. Just annoying otherwise

Sorry you don’t agree on the relevance of “diminishing player efforts”, but a difference in opinion is just that. Have a good evening.

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That’s strange, I made it to 1800 last season with a mere 210 legendary, and I would have gone higher I just didn’t have the time. I really think you’re exaggerating.

Even this season my main pvp character just has a 235 which is like…4 or 5 runs of torghast, and hasn’t done anything else but pvp.

Like sure it helps, but if you really enjoy that side of the game, really doesn’t seem like this should be stopping you.

I push to 2.5+ on my main early last season, Lego’s, conduits, reputation rewards tied to power all make a difference.
I also like playing alts, which is impossible in shadowlands.

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As someone with 8 alts and very little actual time on my hands on a given day, I can’t say I agree…but each their own. I can see how it would get draining if you completely can’t stand the thought of being sub-optimal, but you really don’t need to have all the best stuff to play a character imo.

Im sure you would have gotten alot higher if you had time to increase your characters power. Losing because your character is weaker due to not wanting or having time to run 16torghast wings is not fun, For me anyway.

Thing is I never lost because my one piece of gear was missing the very small amount of stats that is the difference between 210 and 235.

That’s like…not even 1k hp or 50 dps increase, when the rest of your gear is up to date.

These things don’t matter as much as you think they do.

I find it hard to believe you have 8 alts with maxed conduits and full gear minus some ranks on your lego while claiming you have very little time to play.


Of course I don’t. Why would I need that on anyone? My main here doesn’t even have that lol.

See, this is the problem I’m referring to. You for some reason think you have to be 100% optimal to do anything. That just isn’t the case, especially not in pvp. You doing 1% more damage because you maxed your conduits isn’t going to win you games, or even really help in a pvp setting, I’d be very impressed if it did, arena matches are rarely if ever that close.

Agree to disagree, I suppose.

If you want to play at high rating it certainly matters, and in no way is it close to 1%. Upgrading a single conduits for rdruids alone can give you 3% bonus healing, maybe more

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As late as mid-Legion they were still telling us that honor would continue to be by character, and the Prestige system would become old content for players to go back and complete.

It was about a month previous to the prepatch they implemented account-wide honor. I had only gotten to Prestige 20 on one character before quitting, because at that time there were no rewards announced for the future. However, I had earned appearances on 7 druids. So I was way ahead of many who just did one character when that change came.

I was still bumped down to honor level 117 or so. I knew that if I didn’t make HL 250 before the prepatch, I would simply stop, because there was no way I was going to re-earn past rewards I already had.

So I did FFA PvP WQ’s basically around the clock for a month. 10 druids and 5 rogues. I made it.

HL 400 is the pet.