Conquest Didnt Reset

weaps haven’t been week 3 restricted since like wod

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Leave it to abum to get confused on how the weekly conquest cap works.


Not sure how people were confused about this, it was extremely cut and dry with the wording.

The weekly Conquest cap will start at 1350 and increase by 550 per week.

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Literally been this way all of SLs and other xpacs prior to BFA which I didnt play. You save for wep if its 1800 conq.

It clearly says weekly cap starts at 1350 and increases by 550, meaning week 2 cap should be 1900.

It doesnt say Week 1 Cap is 1350, and week 2 cap is 550.

Reading comprehension 101.

The way its worded, it shouldve reset and cap for week 2 = 1900, not week 2 cap 550, week 3 cap 550, that is not increasing…

Your cap is 1900 …

my cap for 2 weeks is 1900, it did not increase by 550 from last weeks cap, first weeks cap is 1350. 2nd weeks cap is 550

These PvP vendors kinda suck. Miss BFA PvP gear.

Bro 1350 + 550 = 1900 am I being trolled


Fury warrior

Yea the total seasonal cap increased by 550 for a TOTAL allowable amount of 1900 for the season. Cumulative total not weekly total.

It did not infer that each week you would be fully allowed to recap points you have already earned. This is a reading comprehension error on your part because you made an assumption that was incorrect.

It has functioned this way for the last few years, for all of BFA & SL.

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Parents, please encourage your children to read actual books.

The Internet was a mistake.


No way this is a serious thread.

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Nope, it reads as the total conquest cap on week 2 will be 1900.

Not that it resets to 1900 weekly.

Reading comprehension 101.

It’s literally been like this for years.

in what way do they suck? You have like 3 different vendors to pick stuff from, you would rather just get something random out of a box and that’s it?

what is this thread lmao

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It was literally stated that the conquest cap would increase by 550 after week 1…

man I spent all my conquest on booze.

the fact that it’s a weekly cap implies that the cap only exists for that week. it’s poor wording and it’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise. prior knowledge to how the system works is the only thing that makes it “cut and dry,” not the wording.

It does exist. In this week, you can only cap a season’s total of 1900 conquest. If you start from 500 conquest, you have 1400 more to go. If you capped last week, your cap increases by 550 this week. If you did not get conquest last week, your weekly cap is 1900.

Very easy.