Congrats to Echo

I see a DH on the meters :scream:

Nerf demon hunter :rage:


That’s because they also had an Enh Shaman with them for Windfury Totem that increase their damage by a lot.

Wow, grats to ECHO! :confetti_ball:
Glad to see they were able to pull the new team together and pull off the win!

Exciting fight to watch.

It was so great to see all the top teams battling it out to the end.

Former Method members that were part of the underaged grooming and harassment drama last year.


Probably why they named themselves ‘Echo’

Why does this not surprise me in WoW?

Still says a crapton about how powerful warriors are when they are literally among the top DPS IN THE WORLD without their most key means of reaching top damage in play.

But no…warriors TOTALLY aren’t a favored class or anything.

But grats to those who participated and for getting it done…maybe now Blizzard can actually shift their attention and focus on the issues the non world first players are having and would like to see addressed…

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Just not for tanking

Ba Dum tisss

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0.44% actually.

Eh it was always gonna be echo or limit.

Now the real race is which alliance guild is gonna beat her first.

Didnt know marksmanship is that good

Which ones?
I thought it was just that 1 guy who was in Method, never in Echo.

I have no idea what’s going on, but congrats! :smiley:

Supposedly, the members of Method knew about the situation and muted the dude on stream when he accidentally brought it up, so it’s not as if they weren’t all in on it


Yes, they exist just to buff the boomies ;p

Honestly they’re probably less shocked than if they had woken up to no kill.

If you were watching both teams echo was most consistent and was closer. Limit pulled out some great pulls in the final hour though, but was otherwise behind them on that consistency. They went to bed full well knowing an echo kill was extraordinarily likely.

Just found some leaked footage from the Complexity facility.

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Reformed Method guild members who created a new guild in hopes of getting away from the Method drama entirely by making a new guild called Echo.


Not defending the players but how can blizzard punish people for something that happened outside of the game?

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They have done it in the past. Going as far as calling the police on people threatening themselves or people or admitting to aiding/abetting a crime.