Confusion regarding ww PvE prio

In every guide i’ve read (wowhead/serenity/icy veins) fists has higher prio than rsk, but during burst rotations with images up they all say to rsk first before fists. Just kinda confused cause that seems to contradict it having a higher priority. Is this only true during images, and outside of that you fists before rsk assuming they’re up both up?

Answered this somewhere else as well

Thanks but I’m asking from a PvE perspective, not PvP. Unless it’s the same for both scenarios?

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Oh my bad. I read burst damage and assumed.

In PvE you’ll likely naturally be using Rising Sun Kick on cooldown since its easier to miss a cast over the course of the fight due to the shorter cooldown but lets say you were transitioning from ST -> AoE.

If adds are spawning soon then you RSK on the target, FoF as adds are spawning, and then WDP them. If its short lived then you go back into a rotation with RSK/BoK and if its extended AoE then you will drop RSK and use the 2 Chi on SCK instead. If you FoF first then RSK , you delay a bit when you could be using WDP/SCK, which would be better to use pretty much at any multi-target TTD.

If its single target only and just burst damage on one target there really is no functional difference between using the two other than the goal of keeping RSK on cooldown normally and making sure you can get all of them inside your SEF window if your using cds.

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Ty for the clarification