Confused on what classes to pick

First of all, I hope you are all doing well in this time of a pandemic.
I need some help finding the perfect class for me.
I have a 120 DH, Druid and Rogue.
I love the DH but it seems a bit easy. Druid I really like but I feel like the feral spec leaves much to desire. Rogue, I absolutely love it but I can’t stand how squishy it is. I can’t do WQ by myself with it.
I would like a class that first of all is fun, people want them in m+ and raids and that will be viable in the next expac and last but not least, one that I can solo WQ and WQ Elites.
Interested in classes that can do more than dps (for example dps + tank or dps and heal)
Thank you very much

I’m off to bed but a few things.

  1. I would make 110 trial characters and test them in the tutorial on the boat, dummy, and battle scenario (optional). you can also hearth out to test them on the world. Use the Icy veins rotations and talents

  2. If you want to see current dps rankings, go to Warcraft logs dotcom and click the drop down upper left pick statistics.

  3. If you want to see how they look for shadowlands, there are tons of new beta you tube videos for each spec.

  4. Do you only want to melee dps? The more complex BFA melee dps are WW monk, Unholy DK, and Arms Warrior. I like all those. They have tank specs and monk also has heals. If your more interested in ranged dps and healers I can provide more info tomorrow.

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2- I checked the DPS ranking and its either fire mage or DH lol. or outlaw, ofc.

4- I am interested in Ranged DPS and Healers. I like warlock - just don’t know if it’s any good in m+ or if people like having locks in their team.

At one point it was expansion meta, then it was patch meta; nowdays it can be Weekly Affix meta.

Trying to play “the best” class is impossible without a full roster. The meta is always shifting, so chasing DPS rankings will just lead to you having to gear 12 classes.

It’s generic, but play what you enjoy & suits your main goal.


Warcraftlogs Lists separate dps rankings for mythic+ dungeons and the Ny’slotha raid did you notice that. you can also change the raid difficulty, which changes the rankings. How well you enjoy and play a class is generally more important than the rankings. If your good at a lower tier class, you may do better than if your bad at a higher tier class. Specs get buffed and nerfed as well.

Warlocks are the most wanted class in the game for raids. I consider summons mandatory, and they also provide healthstones for everyone. Gateways are nice as well. Locks are generally below average in dungeons. Keep in mind all of the time the rankings will change in shadowlands.

I posted for another lock in this thread for about improving performance with addons. Dot tracking is essential for affliction. Helps for destruction too. Shard tracking for all specs. Eluvi is godly for everyone.

Since your interested in ranged dps and healers, I also recommend you try priest. The two priest heal specs and resto druid are my fav healers.

All the priest specs are looking awesome in shadowlands beta. Check out all the recent you tube beta videos. Shadow priest has two dots so the weak auras dot tracking I explained in the link above will help with that. Holy and disc wil both have a dot as well.

Holy priest will have 7 dps skills in SL I’m psyched. Shadow got a total rework that beta players like better than the BFA version.

I really like warlock but I am open to try priest. How do they fare in terms of DPS? Am I able to solo WQ and WQ Elites? I know with Lock I will be able to, because of pet, but what about priest?

According to Warcraft logs (you could have check this), Shadow priest is 5th in the heroic raid and top 30% in mythic +. So they are doing well.

Disc priest is a healer but does more damage than the other healers. It would provide great survivability in world quests.
Shadow priest also has good survivabilty with heals and even more dps.

Wonderful. I believe I will give priest a try. Have any tips you could share?

Start by using the Icy Veins rotations and talents. If your starting at level 1 or 20, I would run dungeons ASAP to learn how to heal on disc and holy while you don’t have tons of skills. Healers have very short queues so leveling in dungeons 15-90 is faster. I quest from 90-120.

Disc and shadow will be your questing specs. After you hit 120 and get some gear, Shadow is best in the open world because it does more dps. Switch to disc if you have issues with an elite.

This macro is very important to use on any skill that targets a player on any class. It’s much faster you can heal/dispel by hovering your mouse over their party/raid frame, instead of actually clicking it. This allows you to keep the mobs/boss hard targeted to dps. I consider this mandatory for any healer to be competant, or an addon that does the same. Copy and paste for every new macro and change the skill names.

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead][] Flash of Light

Awesome!!! Thank you so much for this info. I did help me a lot. I will look into creating one and do exactly how you said it. The weird thing about Locks, for example, is that they are a full on DPS class. At least, with priests, you can either dps or heal. So, I will definitely start as Disc and learn how to play it. I never healed before in WOW, so I don’t even know like, how to do it. That macro will help me alot, I know that, but for example, the thing about me is (and not just with WOW), is I get stuck on little things. Like, do I just heal the tank? Do I heal everybody?
How does it work?

I have to go eat, but the top priority is keep yourself alive, then the tank, then the dps. If the tank dies. It’s likely a wipe, if a dps dies you can often still win. Don’t be afraid jump right into healing the early dungeons are easy. For disc, the more damage you do the more you heal through atonement. If you have to spam shadowmend too much that’s bad. IMO Healing is more fun than dps in dungeons and raids

Awesome. Will do. If I have any issues or questions, may I contact you?

I’m on a break and won’t re-sub until a few weeks before SL launches. Just post here.