Confused about S4

If Dragonflight according to sales is coming before 2023 BUT we also don’t have season 4 yet, doesn’t that already limit the time it will be on for to at most 4-5 months?

Which also prompts the question on if the development effort put into S4 was worth it.

When can we expect to get clear dates for either?

4-5 months is a fairly normal time for a tier/season. (It might be on the shorter end of things, but it’s still in the normal range.)

I think it’s an experiment in how to handle end of expansion content droughts. While the new season does require dev attention for balancing the content, they aren’t adding new content that needs stuff like art assets, quest writing/voice acting, or completely new boss mechanics. (And even when it comes to balancing stuff, as the last content of the expansion, there’s so much more leway.)

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Thank you! That’s fair, I’m glad they’ve given us answers now. :smiley:

(Udiza I just wanted to say as an aside that you’re incredibly helpful, not just in answering my question but you’ve basically been here for a TON of questions over several years.

I don’t know if there’s someone watching over us all, but I know they’d be proud of you.)