Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

So your idea of an improved flying system is just to take the current air swimming and add buttons to activate gates. You have managed to make flying sound even more boring than gliding.

Also for everyone making this argument, including you, learn what gliding is before you keep making this asinine argument.
They’ve already shown that you can ascend, descend, and maintain height in the dragon ridding snippets of video. Gliding is entirely subject to gravity and only allows for a slow descent, and you have to already have been at a great height to start gliding. They have already shown that the dragons can take off the ground, and ascend further; something gliding is incapable of.

Ah, look a non-argument because there is literally a cheap piece of mount equipment that keeps you from getting dazed and thus dismounted on the AH in game.

Listen you can make a word salad all you want to try to prove the unsound argument is sound, but it ain’t going to work. Your entire argument essentially boiled down to the same point, but more wordy. You’re still making a bad faith argument that Dragon Riding must be bad based on the fact they aren’t allowing air swimming, and ignoring all other possible options, especially when you’ve not seen any alpha or beta feed back, because your own biases of losing even the slightest bit of what you consider convivence in your eyes is a travesties.

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I can hope that alpha and beta testors point out that people who love flying and expect it at launch are not gonna stick around for a year on the ground or using avianias feather / demonhunter gliding variations as flying.

Not even flight paths as your have to dragon ride to get to them as it stands.

Bliz wake up as realize your open world players are gonna leave the game , smell the truth that there are 4 pillars of wow and all deserve equal tratment, not just one of the 4, equal in playstyles and any other play style.

Please hear player feedback, which I"m starting with this post if ya havent seen it anywhere else,

Perhaps community council folk will read and see it since bliz devs have actually commented on a lot of things they have put up in the last couple weeks,

Maybe copium, but I’m begging ya bliz, don’t burn up the last chance to regain my lost faith and trust, maybe if I like what I see on the ptr feedback etc, I’ll pre order, but ya gotta convince me, ya havent earned the right to just holler im sorry and continue business as usual, one would expect that you recall loosing 5 million subs from people over flying and the spitefull and petty vengence of pathfinder in any for or itteration, the last time flying was at all acceptable was when cata dropped, non after were actually acceptable for the long haul or game health or player retention,

Welp, I may just sub in a year when catch up and flying are in the game or maybe I’ll just drift away from my wow addiction, ya cant even count on addicts when ya don’t feed em ya know


Imagine not having q clue but trying to correct others.

You can ascend and decend in a glider.

The word flying has a meaning, it means flight with a sustained means of thrust.

Gliding with one time use boosters is not flying. It’s Gliding.

And to address your final rebutted there. Ironically your entire argument is “my opinion is right and yours is wrong so there”.
That’s all you have. An opinion. So, acting like it’s right is asinine.


Ah so you admit the crux is you have an opinion therefore it is right. Got it.
Once again so much word salad only to once again be wrong and self project. Classic

Imagine being pompous but not having a clue lol.

See, the difference between my “word salad” and your “word salad” is I’m expressing my opinion, and what I’m going to do about it. It’s about me.

Yours is you desperately trying to impose your opinion on others.

Honestly embarrassing my friend.


Ahem: MoP went back to the pre-cata style, I.E. hit max level and buy the skill to fly, it was WoD that the whole flying debacle really started.

Cata was the ONLY expansion where we could purchase the ability to fly from the start, in BC and wrath we were able to buy the skill needed at max level, same in MoP. Most of us can understand wanting the old reach max level, buy flight, back as at least an option but at least get your ideas straight as far as the actual situation with flight has gone.


Why are you shocked?

Have you played Shadowlands? Never heard of Oribos International Aiport? How about Korthia???

Get real.

They tried to argue not to long ago that aviana’s feather was flying too when it was clearly free falling and not flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The history is that Pathfinder has come sooner and become easier with every expansion since it’s inception.

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Patchfinder failed badly.

Penalizing returning players or returning players is not a winning strategy. Collective punishment of existing players that want to play is also not a winning strategy. Penalizing people that like to play alts is not a winning strategy.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


If I want GW2 flying, I’ll go play that game.


Nice to see a big FU to Druids. If anything is flying, so too should Druids be flying.

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Cata was the ONLY expansion where we could purchase the ability to fly from the start,

and thus flying was perfect in my, and perhaps only my eyes, but it is JMHO,YMMV

You could buy flying at max level in MoP… I legit bought the game in like 2013 or something played for like 2 weeks and had flying at max level on a brand new account. Probably why I played WoW the entire time.


Accolonn says flying = bad…

Alright there bobby swallet.

Im telling you. WoW is mechanically capable of the best gameplay that could possibly be seen in the genre. But they are so greedy and just a gross company that instead of making a good game they just make a blood sucking one.


Sadly your post has little, if any to do with flying haha.

When I started playin in MoP the game was centered around its gameplay. They were proud of their product so they gave us freedom in that expansion. I know from that experience that WoW is capable of being a truly amazing game that nobody could ever compete with in this life time.

Now every other expansion after that makes me want to believe otherwise but if they did make great gameplay like they did in MoP they wouldnt need the flying restriction to get people to play their game.


I think flying is a great incentive, I see no problems/flaws with it. People no longer wish to fulfil their sense of exploration, just want ease of life changes to speed up gameplay. It involves the whole rush culture that WoW has created. I enjoy flying, however, I also enjoy ground-gameplay where I actually am immersed in the world that we all love/hate.

Its three-letter IATA airport identification code is “AFK.”

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