Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

Can we possibly get a sky palace for a main central hub for the city? I know Dalaran would come to people’s minds… but still it could look totally different. (An actual palace not a city) More so with the emphasis on “Flying” dragonriding this expansion. Or maybe a hub that is like up on a really high mountain or something? Whatever you guys are doing, can it have a really cool background, skybox? (Like overlooking landscape)

I am unaware what they even doing for a central hub city yet.

Because it is their last gasp of an attempt before they bend the knee.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Well. I guess I’m not buying this one, that sucks.


Yup, been super effective. The playerbase has shrunk drastically since they started their war on flying. Super effective.

In another decade ion and the 3 other players who still log in can sit around org and gloat about how they stuck it to all the worthless casuals.


I find it fascinating that without the war on flight half of the players I would guess were indifferent toward flight. But with the continued war on flight it seems more and more players are becoming pro flight.

Meanwhile the anti flight crew are shrinking because other games do it better for one. And two, flying is essential with how WoW is designed, always has been designed, and always will be.

The improved flight paths proved to be a a quick band aid that did nothing.

Removal of portals in Dalaran proved to be full of folly.

The flight toys and gimmicks on restrictive timers and endless, pointless conditions do more to frustrate the play experience than enhance.

Less is more and flight in its original form established in BC is the best.

Like I said before if they fail to copy GW flight system properly there will be a huge backlash.

Mark it down.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Lol, no.

It’s a punative system by design. It’s punishing, it’s Gliding, it’s not flying. The point is to force you down to impede your travel and increase the obstacles you have to overcome in order to artificially inflate the time it takes to complete anything.

If it was a REWARDING system, instead of a PUNATIVE system, then you would naturally gravitate to the better system. In this case, players WOULD naturally gravitate to the better system. Flying. Not gliding with all it’s punative design, so they have to disable flying in order to force the playerbase to use the worse system.

The fact this is purportedly for the entire expansion just furthers the argument that it is ALWAYS going to be an inferior system to flying. Because it’s Gliding and NOT flying.

If it was “flying+” and had flying in it’s design, but with fun new tricks, speed boosts, barrel rolls, dive bombing, etc… people would prefer to use that because it’s “cooler”. You could even design environments that revolved around use of these skills to get to new areas, where you wouldn’t be able to before (Arial defence nets, lighting/fire tunnels that need speed to be dove through, etc).

But blizzard has declared war on flying. Because flying removes endlessly being dismounted by stupid mobs, which makes it take longer to do anything anywhere, which means the playerbase is “more engaged” per blizzard.

So, no, the argument is sound. When you have reward based systems, people gravitate towards using them because they are more beneficial. When you have punative systems you have to force people into them and provide no other option, or people use the better system and ignore the punative system.


Most of the folks posting here won’t admit it, or may not even realize it, but… they’re traumatized. Was it real world? No. Were they physically affected? Hmp-mm, no.

But every single poster that is fast with the fangs… is traumatized. This game is a big world, even if fake, and the community is made of real people with real emotions.

Folks have been angry for a very long time.

It shows. The overreactions… they are a reaction to the entire history of this game, not just the issue at hand.

Something to keep in mind.

I have to pop back in here from time to time and see how the social “experiment” is going… Loads of research material for psychologists and sociologists right here in GD.

I’m a bum, but I like to think.

People make so much a fuss about this. It boils down to being lazy in a gimme gimme world. Appreciate the art. the challenge. It was amazing in ZM before flying how as a warlock i was helping people get up cliffs and stuff.

I dont see the issue here, even when flying first came out it wasnt like you could go and pick it up right away and by the time you had the level and the gold to go get flying you were pretty much at the endgame of the expansion anyway. I also wouldnt take the word of a lead narritive designer as proof of things to come

No one would be making a fuss if things were simply left the way they were prior to Pathfinder.

I do that all the time when I simply stop for a bit and hover.


As long as I can fly or dragon ride in this case and not fight every mob in the zone going from A to B I don’t care.

Seriously though dragon riding could be the best thing since pre packaged cheese. Chill out and wait to see what it is.

I thought dragon riding started at the beginning though??



It’s arbitrary nonsense for the sake of being a pain in the ***.

That’s like saying using a car to get to work is lazy, for a gimme gimme world, because we were born with feet.

Making nonsense busywork out of inane things like transportation is not “engaging gameplay”, especially when you make it a punative gameplay system. Outside of a tint tiny tiny tiny tiny niche of players, most people don’t need to “be engaged” as they from from the flight path to the world quest. Arguing that reality is the same mentality as the Amish minus the religious component. “X arbitrary thing is the way it should be done (because I said so) and anything easier than that is basically laziness and cheating.”

That’s the disingenuous argument.

Like I said in another thread, I you have an 8 hour drive and they give you a vehicle that weighs 5600 lbs and carries 6$ worth of gas, then you have to drive down a highway with 90mph headwinds, you are going to be doing a whole lot of busywork, it’s going to take you way longer… but the end result is the same, and the whole purpose of the travel was not to “enjoy” the gas pump, but to get to the destination.

This is just making nonsense take more time in an effort to string players along longer, and as a means of passive aggressively giving flight, but not flying, because ion hates flying.

But the real kicker here is the people who say they want this system (good for you, srs) but not only do they want this system, they don’t want players to have the choice to not use this inane nonsense. No they can’t have fun with their garbage arcade “gw2” gliding system, they also have to have everybody in the same boat.

Which is whatever. I hope people like that enjoy the eventual garbage direction the game keeps going, because if there’s no flying I’m not buying, so I’ll putt around on my flying mounts doing stuff till I get bored, then I’m gone. Just like many many people before, and I won’t be the only one. And wow will continue to March itself off a cliff, as it has for over a decade now.


It’s dead, Jim.

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Well uh thats just like your opinion dude. I’m gonna have fun riding ground mounts :smiley:

It’s just indicative of a team that ISNT listening, and still thinks we, as players, are far far far too stupid to figure out what’s going on.


Edit your title, OP. You’re posting false information.

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OP is claiming it’s ‘confirmed’ when it isn’t.
Let me make that a bit clearer. OP is making the claim that it’s confirmed flying will be at the end of expansion.
We have confirmation we’ll get flying but they didn’t say exactly when.


(post deleted by author)


I’ve edited the title just for you.

But we all know “late” = “last patch”. Especially if there’s only 2 patches again.