Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

Once again people are surprised others are pessimistic after two dumpster fire expansions in a row.

Them doing this instead of giving us flying shows they’re still not going to listen.


Oh no. That sounds so ridiculous but possible. You just gave them ideas.


That they haven’t done it before isn’t because states are hard. There’s just been no reason to add a distinct flying state until now. They’ve obviously added states before, and updated the conditions for switching several times.

'Tis amusing that you think I’m the one implying incompetence when you seem to think they’re literally incapable of doing anything except hack the vehicle scripts.

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I don’t see any issue with this at all… I look forward to this dragon-riding stuff.

Yeah, that point kind of becomes moot cause this community has been pessimistic about expansion that were good too. Like even before WoD or BFA & SL this community has always gone. “This change is terrible, this will kill WoW, this xpac will be no good.”

Hell, I remember the forums during WotLK (their most successfully expansion) being full of “This change has killed WoW; it was better in Vanilla” threads…Ironically all posted by people playing DKs

I did enjoy BFA a lot and so did many others. Shadowlands is not too bad either. Each expansion is different. Just because you and maybe a small band of friends did not enjoy the two most recent expacs doesn’t mean others agree with you. Can’t please everyone, I guess. shrugs

I think I can be pretty confident and saying that it’s been slightly more than “a small band of friends” that have been displeased with the last 2 expansion.


I don’t remember that. But I do remember the game growing during that period so there’s that.

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Every expac since WotLK has a set of doomsayers. Best to ignore them.

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Fixed for accuracy

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There are always complaints. But expansions overall get a positive or negative rap.

Tbc, wolk, mop, Legion received positive feedback overall.

Bfa and SL went over like a lead balloon.


Yes, but your statement was

I’m not pointing out that people complain about changes. I’m pointing out there are large groups of pessimist who say every xpac is going to cause the death of the game before it ever launches or they’ve even heard alpha or beta feed back. Just like what is happening now with Dragonflight. Using the feedback of BFA and SL as justification doesn’t change the fact that people would still be pessimistic and here complaining even if both those xpacs had been exceptional.

Dragonflying can be potentially more fun than base flying, so I’m cautiously optimistic about it.

Idc if I don’t have my usual mounts, if the new mode of travel is fast and fun, it’s really inconsequential to me. Just don’t glue me to the ground.


if Dragonriding is good i have no problen whit no flying until the end

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When did we ever have to do pathfinder for flying? :man_shrugging: Just because something has never happened doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

last 4 expansions?

And before that it didn’t exist.
It isn’t a thing until it is.

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If dragonflying were so wonderful, they wouldn’t have to force people to use it by taking away any alternatives.

So I’m pessimistic.


In the last 8 expansions we got Flight as soon as the Devs seem fit.
Now with DF we got a way to travers the Air from the beginning of the Addon.
Where is the drawback?

It’s Limited flight, and you may not be able to go upwards with it until you ‘earn it’ at max level with dragonriding. Players asked for flying from the start, not gliding, not fatigue bars, etc.