Conduit Energy after switching Covenant


I was unable to find the proper channel in the in-game support section. I recently changed Covenants and I noticed that I had 2 issues.

I had only a few cells of Conduit Energy left and as I was progressing with my catch up I was filling in what I could with my soulbinds. As it stands right now I only have 2 energy left but I have my 3rd Soulbind I can not fully optimize and I have to wait possibly another week or so before I can fill up all 3 Soulbinds.

I also had the issue that I could not transmog my previous Covenant styled weapon which was slightly annoying but the Great Vault helped with that.

Is it intented that Conduit Energy doesn’t reset when you switch Covenants? I feel stuck and I have raids this week which I will be missing important conduits.

I had a look through some of the Support Articles that I could find, but none of them mentioned conduit energy specifically. Hopefully someone else has come across something specific that might help you here.

What I can tell you is that a system like this would not be something a GM would have control over.

As for not being able to use transmogs from your previous covenant, that’s intentional.


Conduit energy definitely DOES reset when switching covenants. Before I changed covenants on one of my toons, I researched and nowhere did it say conduits don’t reset.

I had an empty covenant energy bar and just switched. The covenant energy is still empty

As far as I’ve been able to find out, conduit energy recharges at the rate of one per day. That seems to be shared between all Covenants so switching won’t change the current value.

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