Condemn is the Worst Abililty Ever Added for Warriors

Dang. I knew I shouldn’t have shared.

Anyway, time to actually finish leveling this guy. lol


Those who hate the swolekin really just hate themselves.


Baron is cool, no doubt but I also like Count better. Your wife has good taste! Interestingly enough, I have a list I keep for Boxer names (the only breed of dog I would ever own) and Count and Baron have been on that list for 17 years now.
Just want to say, the best dog I ever owned was a fawn Boxer named Sideways, he was a legend to me. Still miss that dog, he died 4 months into BfA and he was with me since WotLK.

Not sure why I went on about Boxers so much, I just love them.

Edit: The Boxers me and my girlfriend got this summer were litter mates and I was going to name one Count, but my other (better? better for sure) half insisted on naming him Rook (the name on my list she liked most).

Dunno, the delay on the spear made me quit kyrian lol. Also lots of classes that give me trouble did leave the spear grasp too soo why bother.

I was with venthry and decided to test kyrian and night fae.
I just want my condem back soo much. But gotta wait till tuesday now.

Condoomer 10lazy

But those juicy crits from condemn can’t even compare. It literally solidifies the meaning of an execute. Those other skills aren’t executes. Use condemn is you are capped on rage otherwise spend your rage wisely and use it to execute an enemy.

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Yes… Yes it is.

Condemn is everything Execute should be on single target and at the same time is everything Cleave should have been for multi-target (what I mean by this is sweeping strikes + condemn).

To me there is now warrior before condemn and warrior after condemn :axe:🥲

Whirlwind cleaving condemns is pretty sweet too. Especially in torghast when you get the knockdown power.

You know what really makes me sad though?
When very inconsiderate party members nuke trash pulls so hard that i only get 1 whirlwind condemn at the start. Some people just dont understand fun.

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How do you call yourself a Night Elf. facepalm
I am a proud Night Fae, and will lay low all my foes with Ancient Aftershock. (Doesn’t trigger DR for those PVP inclined players).
It does huge damage, gives a massive mastery buff, and rage gen. Best part is, I don’t get addicted to it like “Team Succ” around here.

In all seriousness, all three covenants are good.

Because ardenwald was way too fairy for my taste, the voices really annoy me.
Nice mog btw.


Thanks, (I keep getting an error trying to look at yours). I have the music of the zone higher than voices, so I haven’t noticed that. Too fairy? They are Fae, what did you expect? lol. That said, fairies can be dark as well. Look at some of the original Brother’s Grimm stories.

Thats the fae i was hoping for.

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I thought it was obvious that I was exaggerating lol.

I’m glad you all are having fun with it… plants conqueror banner and watch dps walk out of it…

We do it on purpose. No one wants you to get the impression we’re remotely ok with your choice :stuck_out_tongue:

At least your tank doesn’t regularly inch mobs out of your AA. This is Death and Decay from BfA all over again for me.

i hope condemn become a glyph after the expansion over with that would be dope

Do you just mean the aesthetic part? Because that would be absurdly strong for a glyph. I could see them making a new talent row based on covenant abilities after this is over.

yea just the aesthetic part if they go get rid of the ability all together

Nothing irks me more than a tight pack of casters, a good solid AA plant and then the tank is like, I don’t like this spot let’s move a yard over. It’s not that you can’t see it, hell it’s impossible to miss. But I’ve also seen tanks keep mobs next to me when my trinket drops my haste pool. So maybe they just need to get used to it.