Condemn is the Worst Abililty Ever Added for Warriors

Because it makes me play so irresponsibly. I cannot control the urge to Condemn things repeatedly. If I am doing a WQ or M0 I just keep looking for Condemns, constantly on the hunt to Condemn things. It got so bad I caught myself at a target dummy for 43 minutes pressing 5 over and over again.


It’s the best problem to have. All I can think about is losing it in 2 years. Makes me sad.


Even as Night Fae, Execute ends up being 25 to 30% of my damage in M0s. I can imagine how fun it is to hunt even harder for Condemns.

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It’s the exact reason I didn’t pick it. I want to push more buttons.


Don’t ever take it because it will be hard to live without now.

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I went NF but I hope they leave condemn alone, it was fun to play with. I really like AA though myself.

I remember using condemn on the campaign and I went night fae cause I liked the zone, I now find myself constantly wanting to switch but ugh… I feel like AA is gonna be better in mythic+

Maybe Condemn won’t be as good but it is fun. Makes Fury a little more concentrated than it was prior, to me anyways.

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Man I came into this thread ready to freakin’ thrown down when I saw the title. Good job ya got me.


I bet you are putting Condemn to good use. Are you fishing for Condemns more than you should be?

Im just whirlwinding in Arden thinking about condeming things.

Now see here I am a skilled, level-headed warrior who follows the priority order-

…yes. /shamed
Help me Monsters I have a problem /cry


This is me fishing for Condemns:

Nope, nope, nope…Condemn.

Well there goes a few Raging Blows/Bloodthirst/WWs I could have used.

I feel like I’m going to be missing out on the fun of condemn since I’m going Kyrian.

But I mostly tank and I’m pretty sure Kyrian is better for that. lol

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You will never get to hear the sweet song of Brrrt but that spear is like a freaking missile every minute so it’s not all bad.

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Kyrian is better for Prot Warrior than Condemn and I don’t think it is even really close. I would say Kyrian is better for Arms PvP as well. Not sure if Arms PvE would be better with Kyrian but Condemn works well there too.

Yeah, the spear was pretty nice while leveling in bastion.

Pull 10+ things, DBTS, warbreaker, spear, bladestorm… Good times.

I’ll get to play with condemn a little while leveling too but that spear is going to be so handy in dungeons later as prot.

I picked Venthyr for the gargoyle shoulders; and because my wife thinks Count is a cooler title than Baron. Thanks, Sesame Street. That aside, I’m probably going to regret this choice later in the expansion if I go for some PvP. I can see the spear being 1,000 times better.

Ugh, I just couldn’t stand that paladin-ish robot armor, and Revendreth gives me that cool gothic Brill vibe, making me all homesick.


Yeah, but you don’t get a swolekin buddy.

I’m a big, strong, super metal (:metal:) dwarf but I can’t help but giggle a little when they go “How do you do-hooooo?”

Do I lose warrior cred for that? >.>