Concerns in regards to the current PVP match making system

I have noticed, during the push past 1400 on my alts, that the arena match making system does not seem to factor in ilvl when choosing a match. Often, I will find my 30k HP alt, facing a team whos member have a massive 36k-40k health pool.

Even if the opposing team has an arena score equal to my own (or averages out to be equal to my team), I feel ilvl should contribute to a decent portion of the match making process. I have seen it many times, someone pushes past 1800 in RBG, then brings their upgraded gear obtained into a lower rated 2v2/3v3 bracket. I can’t count the number of times I was demolished by another team in pre 1400 2v2, with overwhelming damage output and health, only to find their RBG rating was 1800+ where as their 2s rating was still fresh.

It is much more enjoyable to experience a game unexpectedly become a long match, where both teams are keeping each other on their toes, without one team completely demolishing the other due to a vast difference in damage output provided by gear advantage.

Below is my suggestion on which variables should factor, to help prevent games ending in land slides due to overwhelming ilvl differences. Also, the last variable listed is designed to help push Arena toward ultimately proving your skills directly affect your rating.

1st Variable) Current Bracket of queued team (1200-1400, 1401-1600, 1601-1800, 1801-2000, etc…)
-Ignore variable/Default to closest, if queue times exceed 2 mins

2nd Variable) Overall average item level of each team – ((190 + 220) / 2 = 205)
-Ignore variable/Default to closest, if queue times exceed 1.5 min.

3rd Variable) If team has won consecutively (3+) – Attempt to match with same or similar class/spec comp.
-Ignore variable if queue times exceed 1 min.

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it never has


The rating reqs for arenas need to be reduced by 200-400 points since they are more difficult than RBGs. I have no issue with RBGers and think everyone should have an easy shot at obtaining armor. Make 1400 reward 220’s in arenas but require 1800 for RBGs.

At least for the last two weeks of the season so there can be a catchup for the following season.

OK listen up kid this is an RPG…you know “role playing game”? In the RPG handbook on page 6 chapter 2 paragraph 1 it clearly states and I quote:

"One of the fundamental principles in player versus player role playing is to have more character power based on your elo rating. This helps the role player become more immersed in the role which they are in fact playing. Hence the term “role playing game” or “RPG” for short."

If that explanation doesn’t make sense to someone it’s because they don’t understand RPG’s.

As defined by the world gaming association RPG - Reck People with much lower Gear.

It’s the law, punishable by up $15,000 and 5 years in jail.

So you see there isn’t much Blizz can do, their hands are tied.

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