Concerned that prestige or "flex" items are being devalued by Blizzard

If an item isn’t “cool” all on its own merits, and it’s only “cool” because of “prestige”, then it was never actually cool at all.

Valuing something only because you have it and others don’t is sad and pathetic. Enjoy your accomplishments and the rewards that come from them regardless of what other people do or don’t have, and you’ll be a happier person, guaranteed.

They aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s possible to have something that’s both cool and rare.

That’s why replica stores exist. Here in Asia we have a few great ones, where you can order 1:1 replica clothings of movie characters. Fight Club, Top Gun, Back to the Future, …

Therefore: No valid argument.

It’s still cooler if it’s unavailable. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: I kind of hope they do more seasonal goodies for PvE players, like what they did with PvP. Armored KSM mount for top 0.5%, unique gear for clearing the raid on mythic that’s removed when the raid is no longer current, etc.

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Nobody cares about crap you have in your inventory. Grow up.

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I do, and that’s what matters to me. :dracthyr_heart: Stuff that I can go back and get for less effort later just isn’t as cool.


It only matters because you have nothing else going for your life. Sounds harsh but that’s reality.

Insulting people over this again?

I’m not usually into the super hard to get stuff being stuff like mounts, it just seems to cause problems because of how collection minded the game’s gotten, but I’ve been wanting them to bring back the CM sets as an expansion M+ reward for a while now.

Like, you do all the dungeons on x level on y class you unlock the set, and while the dungeons may change between seasons now, the set’s there for the whole expansion giving people plenty of time to level and try out new alts.

I just seriously miss having a reason to play my alts and feel like I’m making progress, and the 1800 sets are really all I got that feels worth the time investment.

Items gain value by being limited, be it through rarity, difficulty, or limited availability.

This completely undermines the basis of the game, and indeed the entire MMO genre, by implying that apparently, nothing may have value. Because by making a retired item available again, it sets a precedent that Blizzard can changes the terms of anything they want, at any time.

I mean, what is “acceptable” now? If Blizzard started throwing up Mythic ilvl gear or transmogs on the cash-shop, are people going to be cool with it? “Technically, you can still get those things for free”, or “oh well it was exclusive to raiders last raid-tier”.

Things exist in the game to acquire. And part of the fun of MMO’s is being able to show off. How powerful your character is, how cool they look, some cool thing you happened to get… it’s all part of what makes an MMO an MMO.

And now, part of that experience is being CHANGED, and simply being sold for a cash value.

That sucks.

FOMO stuff is acceptable when it is done with intelligence. And this includes:

  • Off-colors = FOMO, not canon colors
  • Special effects attached to the FOMO-item
  • Lore-based essentials are not part of the FOMO-pool, ever

And to be honest, your reasoning is weak. Why should anyone miss out on the Mag’har Heritage weapon from the mage tower weapons? Because of your belief that limited items are great? What reasoning is this? Have you ever thought about consistency before? Why do sets need to be split up? Why is one part still available and the rest not? Why do set items need to be removed? Why do not colors you want to have be removed?

It’s a restricting system and it needs to broken down.
The developers are at fault here and nobody else. I wouldn’t even blame you, you’re just conditioned into a system you aren’t aware of.

The concern I have with Blizzard returning a promotional item, like Tyrael’s Charger, has nothing to do with it’s “value” or “prestige.” I’m happy for the people that have been lusting after this mount and amused that they now know the mount they have been lusting after for 11 years is ugly as hell :rofl:

What I’m concerned about is Blizzard wasting my time and money.

I signed up for their stupid 1 year pass because I was told that would be the only way to get that mount. They threw around terms like “exclusive”,“limited time only” and “offer ends [insert date here.]” I don’t sub in chunks because if Blizzard pisses me off or I need a break, I just unsub for a while.

Same thing with their digital Blizzcon pass. I’m perfectly fine with watching YouTube highlights after every thing is said and done. I buy the pass not only so I can see what’s coming for WoW in the future but also for the pet/mount/whatever they told me was exclusive to that digital pass.

So that’s the only thing I worry about when it comes to Tyrael’s Charger. Is this a precedence? Will I start seeing Blizzcon rewards in the shop and/or trading post? Will I see the flying beetle and hulk murloc there too? If that turns out to be the case then I’m done participating in their promotions. They’re showing me that the frugal procrastinator always wins.

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Tyrael’s Charger was advertised as being an exclusive item to the Annual Pass, way back when Diablo 3 first launched.

It seems like Blizzard just doesn’t seem to care about the integrity of any of their commitments to players anymore.

Wow, this was so worth the necro.

Why can’t people just be satisfied with their accomplishment and reward? Why must there be something to lord over others? It’s so, so dumb.

Perhaps the point where blizzard wants to remind players that you own nothing. All you own is the ability to play their game by their rules.

You don’t even own that. They can give you the boot for any reason or no reason.

Meaning you couldn’t obtain it anywhere else at that time. Nowhere did it say they couldn’t or wouldn’t bring it back at a later date.

You mean like “Look at this cool thing I have that you will never be able to get, noob! Worship me! I demand respect for being in the right place at the right time, and you deserve absolutely nothing, so screw you!”?

That kind of “social aspect”?