Concering 'deserter' imbalance

I feel like there is an imbalance of the time players cannot requeue after being removed from a group (when the removal is due to other players being inconsiderate)

For example:
Yesterday, I was on a low level alt doing Timewalking, and the tank was going very fast, not keeping threat on everything, so I died to some trash that had focused on me. I had gone through 3 or more bosses, and at least 15 minutes in the party.

I asked the healer who was 5 seconds away in walking distance, to come revive me, and they refused. Told me to release. I released at the entrance, which was a farther walk, by like 5x, than the healer would have to do back when I was dead. On the way back to the party, I complained that the walk was super long. They said “wah wah” I said, “no I am frustrated” And they kick me.

I lost a whole hour, because they wouldnt spend 15 seconds to revive me.
15 mins to wait in queue
15 minutes in dungeon
30 minutes deserter debuff.
An hour lost, out of my control.

The only thing I could think to do better, is to keep my mouth shut.
This long time-out is giving mean, inconsiderate people the power to waste others time.

Sure I could go on a different character to queue again…
but my focus is on how this scenario gives mean people way too much power over others.

But anyways… the point…
This inability to get into another dungeon for 30 minutes because someone else didnt want to spend 15 seconds, is giving a severe power imbalance to people willing to kick.

I am personally against giving so much power to mean people.


I don’t have any solutions for the crappy parts of the player base unfortunately, but just a tip for the times the tank is running along collecting aggro from multiple rooms: don’t cast a single spell until they stop moving and everything is grouped cuz they’re not going through a threat maintaining rotation while moving most likely, so you’ll be less likely to die and have to deal with this type of inconsiderate behavior.


The whole deserter thing is because blizzard is incapable of putting powerful trinkets on final bosses instead of first bosses. Then to combat people leaving after one boss, they slapped the deserter debuff on everyone for a problem they introduced. Now it’s a player problem.

Pugs suck. People suck. My only advice is to try to find communities of like-minded players and play with them. It sucks that you have to curate a community outside of an MMO but wow players are too hung up on themselves these days to be worth playing with.


I agree.

So, I join a TW dungeon, near the end boss.
It looks like they wiped before I joined.
End boss engaged, Wiped.
Run from entranace back to the boss.
Wipe again.

I release… I leave group, 30 minute debuff.

Now this is ridiculous.
Le sigh.
I’ll go play another game while I wait.

you could also watch the situation, the threatmeter and not hit mobs that are being proximity-aggroed until the tank gathers them up.

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True. Unfortunately, my boomkin waited for tank to engage, then I lazered and pulled threat. Was a combo of tank squishy with poor aggro, and healer not healing enough. I spam healed myself and still died. I can take your advice and use the idea in the future. Thanks.

we all get that one tank… got to play the play the way he’s playing it. other wise… dead, kicked, debuffed, on forums happens.

I did an LFR run where I got put into a group where the last boss of three was all that was left. We killed it, I requeued for that portion of the raid, killed the first two bosses, left so I didn’t have to kill a boss I killed in the last instance, and got Deserter. Dope.

For starters opening your mouth in a pug was the biggest mistake you made which lead to this outcome. Secondly, there is more to this story than we are being told. Third, don’t be toxic.