Concealed Carry Options

That was the point.


This is 2/10 on Sunday scale.

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Why was this flagged? Concealed carry is offensive now? :woman_facepalming:


I thought this thread was going to be about secret boosting.

Good thing that that never happens with gender and sexuality.

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It was most likely flagged because folks feel that, given the current context of the term, it’s being deliberately used to stir up trouble in this case.

AKA, trolling.


Lol. You messing with me? Rogue has literally been S tier since Vanilla. I don’t know what drugs you’re taking, but can I have some?

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If by prolific you mean they no life these forums, then yeah pretty prolific. Their takes are 100% bad.

Ricky Bobby rules apply to Rogue. To a Rogue, if you aren’t first, you’re last. So if they’re not literally the best, it is an affront to them. If Rogues spend even one or two tiers not being the best class in M+, PvP, AND Mythic Raiding, its maldin’ time.


I enjoy the spelling error


what, you want blizzard to come-up with different models of pistol for your ability? this isn’t a piece of gear your carrying-around, it’s an ability.

Quantity =/= quality.

Not sure why this is flagged. Class is literally named ‘Outlaw’.

A glyph to replace the gun with a harquebus or such would be welcome.

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Most likely for the use of “concealed carry,” which is a hot button political topic right now.

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I guess, but in context it’s not used badly here.

It wasn’t necessary to use at all. There were less trollish ways to talk about the pistol shot without bringing up concealed carries.

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Does it really madder? It got its point across. Ya’ll REACH.

Everything is not trolling here, surprising but I know.

I’d love to see them implement pistols and holsters into the game somehow. Or different versions of the rogues.

-1 for u

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…or maybe a “gunslinger” rogue spec using pistols as primary. That might be kewl.

THEN the weapon model would matter. As it is now, it really doesn’t.


Yeah, OP knew what they were doing. OP is a forum regular who makes bait topics frequently.

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Yeah, I don’t know why people are saying that. “Draw a concealed pistol” is literally the first four words of the move’s description. I’d like to see additional cosmetic options for what rogues are carrying out and pulling out when they use Pistol Shot. :person_shrugging:

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