Good news. My computer hasn’t crashed in awhile.
Bad news. Hwinfo told me it needed to be updated to 8.20 and I went to the website, but I must have downloaded something bad by accident and now my browser has been replaced by “thrilldotcom.” I think its a malware hijacker. How do I remove it? I’m right now using malware bytes and mcafee.
you can use malware bytes, just run a scan
or remove the thrilldotcom extension from your browser
Laugh Out Loud, I’m a mess aren’t I? I ran them and they quarantined a bunch of bad files. When I clicked on extensions, under the chrome, it didn’t find any extensions.
is it gone?
I ran two anti malware scans on malware bytes and the second scan didn’t find anything. I had to reset chrome to its original settings. I guess it’s clean, but not 100% sure.
Holy Bloat Batman! That is the first thing that needs to go
so if it’s working right now with no issue far past what typically occurred previously with the GTX1060
I would delete the old nvidia drivers, do a clean install of drivers from Nvidia (preferably just drivers) and see if the problem re-occurs or is gone