Compromise - Extended Range idea

Just because you don’t know how to play it doesn’t make it inferior.

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I’ve come around to thinking that you can make an argument for Destro/Aug to keep short range as a trade off for being easily the most mobile caster class in the game. There’s a rare fight or two that very unfairly punish Destro/Aug because they have a mechanic that makes you run out to around 40 yards… other ranged DPS are fine, but we are not so that sucks… but other than that, I get both sides of this one.

I don’t think that argument holds water for Pres, since Pres is only in so much control over how their allies position themselves… and no other healer has to content with that to nearly the same extent. The “more mobility” aspect of Pres doesn’t really compensate for that I don’t think.

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Lol okay. It’s quite simple to play. The lack of range means you a worse in every way compared to any ranged class in the game. I assume your comment was a random attempt to feed your ego, but it was a pathetic attempt.

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Not simple enough if you’re struggling with the range.

Our mobility is the trade-off that you claim doesn’t exist, and the difference between good and bad DPS players isn’t the “simple” rotation, it’s using a proactive mobility and defensive kit well to maintain uptime.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Hover gives a buff granting extended range to majority of spells to 40yds (this doesn’t include Empowered Spells). Living Flame, Echo, Reversion, Dispels etc. called Aerial Advantage.

Make it more useable give Preservation 3 charges of Hover, 2 baseline 1 via Talents.

Empowered Spells for Preservation I think should be limited in range.

We get more mobility, more range when hovering, easier positioning, it’s win win.

it’s win win.

Only if you don’t care about inherent balance.

we’re getting spatial which means more range in TWW.

Well Spatial doubles the range at a 3 min, Aerial Advantage (the Hover Idea) simply puts us at 40 yds but more frequently.

I’d prefer 40 yds of range with more control and usage vs Spatial with further range that essentially we will see once per raid fight and on average 5-6 times if that in a key?.

My idea is essentially baked into Hover, no added keybind or Talent point.

There’s a reason why Evoker doesn’t have 40 yard range.

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I understand but clearly moving Spatial to the class tree and giving Augmentation a new Talent “Arcane Reach” they’ve clearly changed original design goals to help with players dissatisfaction or really none of this at all would happen at all.

I still strongly believe though Empowered Spells should stay as they are though.

It’s only aug because they are a dps.

Dev is unchanged. And pres is too on the range department.

Yet Spatial now is also available on the class tree now for all 3 moving into TWW, remember it will always affect the Caster and a friendly healer.

It’s just obvious Blizzard is trying to help soften its range requirement, while I say as DPS it’s not as bad and more manageable, but you really do have those moments as Preservation where as any other healer it would of been different.

I’m not saying to boost our range baseline, I’m saying we need something to occasionally even the playing field when needed, I personally don’t think we need baseline 40 yds but it be nice to have a way to reach it which is insanely more frequent then Spatial every 3 min.

yea cause they can’t figure out how to balance aug.

We get spatial to make non-aug viable.

You have no idea how content has been designed over the past two decades. It has been designed around the 40 yard range, especially for healers. In many boss encounters in Remix, an Evoker healer is useless unless the party is stacked together. There are many mobs in the air in older content that an Evoker can’t even pull because they don’t have an ability with a large enough range. Even taunts have more range.

They had to start designing encounters around the short range of Evokers with DF. All of the other conten in the game is not designed with them in mind, and it shows. No amount of zipping around with limited cooldowns will allow you to do things that every other class does by default. An Evoker is always at a disadvantage and there is no reason to choose them over other classes.

You can continue to be a jerk, for some reason being extremely defensive and insecure about the class you play, but it doesn’t change the reality of it.

It sure has, up until they made a mid-ranged class.

There’s not a single heroic fight that feels bad as DPS evoker, and there are only 2-3 mythic fights where the range was annoying in any way. There were (and always have been) more mechanical designs that punish melee than could ever punish a 25 yard caster.

The content predating dragonflight is not evidence that the range doesn’t work. Until they start routinely creating encounters that punish evoker range, this argument is inaccurate.

Again, this is wrong.

Name all the fights that evoker is unfairly punished where our mobility doesn’t help is easily overcome it.

Why did DPS evoker perform very well this whole expansion if it’s as disadvantageous as you claim?

You seem to be confused by what “reality” means. Evoker has done well literally all expansion.

If your main evidence that the range is a problem is a meme game mode not meant to be taken seriously, you’ve already made my point for me.

I think @arcade’s perspective for devastation evoker is correct. It’s rarely an issue to be 25 yards from a boss with our mobility.

The issue comes when playing preservation and you need to care about the position of several targets that are spread out. Then you really feel the shorter range. I cant recall the exact number but I think we cover around 50% of the area of other healers in a round room like Fyrakk’s.

I kinda think the Arcane Reach (aug talent) should be added to Preservation. This wouldn’t be a freebie. Talent points are limited, by selecting this you would be losing something else.

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Spatial paradox existing period is not “proof” that the range is an issue; on the contrary, the fact they slapped a 2 min CD on it and it only has a 10 second duration should be testament to the power of extra range+casting while moving.

Honestly I’m fine with them giving this to evoker as a CD, maybe even give us a choice node talent for the extra charge of hover OR a slight range increase, but the class should under no circumstances have everything all at once for free. You know what class did get everything for free? Havoc Demon hunter, and it’s one of the most complained about specs in the game because it’s a master of everything with no weaknesses, and that’s what some of you are asking for: a class with no weakness, no drawback, no tradeoff for having the insane mobility, damage, and healing this class has.

I think it’s a 3 minute cd now.

Also, anyone that thinks all specs getting paradox had anything to do with our range doesn’t understand why we got it.

It wasn’t to give all evoker specs extra range–it’s because the cd itself was so strong on a healer that other evoker specs on prog were trolling because it was so good.

The change is literally just so that evokers aren’t in Aug jail for every prog fight.