Compliment the Person Above You - BfA Edition

You have good taste in mail armor. Love the combinations you’ve got going.

You have a vibrant, energetic personality! And squids themed transmog always good.

You are a tauren, which as everyone knows means you are already a good person IC and IRL because only super good people play tauren

Rockin’ that headband dude (and fab hair) <3

It takes so much dedication to unlock the Lightforged Draenei! Your toon is super pretty, too! (I hope this doesn’t post twice :grimacing:)

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I love your mog! And good mogs can be tricky at level 20. Really well done!


Necroing because we need positivity.

Now THIS is necromancy. Bless you. You have a kind heart, massive lats, and a superb double leg takedown.

Wolfhead hats are MANLY. YOU ARE MANLY.

You have an excellent fashion sense with that coat, sir.

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Thank you for reviving this topic. Stay awesome.

My only regret looking at your character is that with your name you aren’t a monk. But that’s my love of Code Geass talking I suppose. Also nice mog, makes you look less magey, more Magic Warrior

Glad you were able to claim Cinderhammer as a name before some random level 10 that would likely never play this game again could.

I’m glad you were able to bump this thread without it getting Necro’d.

Really like your weapon transmogs. The pocket knife is a nice touch for role play purposes. Your weapons sheathed would make you look very much like a swashbuckler. Simple and effective touch.

You are awesome!

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Your mog is SO good. Those armor pieces are some of my favorites in the whole game!

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You sir, are a ROCKSTAR!!

Likely has good taste in tea, and possibly books. Hooray paladude!

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