I hope they can fix this! I was really looking forward to it!
I put Comp Stomp on my calendar over a month ago, have been looking forward to it, and took time off…only to be denied. It’s like a Thanksgiving catastrophe…
was looking forward to this all week. what a joke, nobody even plays korrak’s revenge
Is there a work around in game for this? Any NPC or command to queue?
Nope. Tried it already.
The C_PvP.GetSpecialEventBrawlInfo call only returns Korrak (Brawl ID is 124) and C PvP.GetAvailableBrawlInfo only returns BG Blitz (Brawl ID is 136). Given Comp Stomp isn’t returned, I don’t think it’s even available server-side.
What’s really frustrating? Our next Comp Stomp won’t be till Feb 20th. That’s over three months away.
I know the ‘Real PvPers’ don’t care. All we’ll get told is ‘git gud’ or ‘queue up’, but I’ve got crushed tendons in my hands. I can’t compete beyond LFG and Normal in raiding and Heroic in dungeons. At least with PvE, if I want transmog, I can at least wait till the next expansion to go back and farm the Heroic and Mythic versions of the sets.
Legion was a game-changer with World Quests that dropped Marks of Honor. I could go and buy the PvP transmogs I otherwise were no longer able to access. Comp Stomp took it to another level, allowing me to farm massive amounts of these Marks to buy sets of weapon- and armor-skin transmog sets from older content/expansions.
This is God-damned stupid. Blizzard surely can’t be expecting players to believe that a company that big, that wealthy and now with so many additional staff since we’re bucking Bobby ‘Not Even the Gold Diggers Will Touch Me’ Kottick and his Cosby Suite cronies are all on the way out, cannot simply add an additional PvP event without overriding events that take months to roll around again?
Given the armies that would defend Blizz if they mailed us all a bag of , I’m not surprised.
How hard to add a scroll bar or drop down to fix, sheesh??
For what it’s worth, the CS team over on Twitter has been saying they’re aware of the issue and it’s being worked on with no ETA, and even linked to this thread (even though they haven’t commented here).
It’ll probably be fixed on Monday night at about 11pm, lol.
The better alternative is just to slot Comp Stomp into another week. If it ends up meaning they have to change the entire brawl schedule, so be it. Their error to fix, not ours to suffer.
I also hope they reschedule it if they can’t fix it soon. I was looking forward to collecting some honor gear for alts without getting stomped in random BGs without gear (and collecting transmogs). Even if we can queue at an NPC somehow if the interface is too hard to fix quickly, some kind of temp solution until the anniversary is over would be nice. Although the issue has been around for a couple weeks, I don’t think people are as upset if the others are missed in rotation as comp stomp. Not having the full week, or the brawl at all, will be missed.
Considering the fact that Gravity Lapse is currently unavailable, even though Korrak’s Revenge is gone, there is just a blank spot in the ‘Bonus Battlegrounds’ menu, I’m not filled with much optimism that Comp Stomp will be available next week.
and here we are tomorrow was supposed to be the comp stomp week blizzard promised us annnnd its not there… its not even happening this month.
The news and calendar both show March 5th as the start date for comp stomp.