Community Too Crappy for Skippable Dungeon Quests

Can we please stop putting quests in dungeons that people can skip over? I keep trying to get the Primodial Core quest done. Everyone just skips right over it, and when I ask if we can do they vote kick me. This is ridicules. Seriously if you can’t change the community, then design the dungeons knowing your community is a crapfest.


Blizzard really should know better at this point, all quests should require the final boss, all important loot should come from the final boss, anything less and you’ll have people abandoning groups when they get what they want, or people not finishing their quests because people don’t want to give up 30 seconds of their time to kill something they don’t need.


Do it with a guild. Rando’s prioritize the lowest common denominator. The guy who pays attention to nothing and is just there for his own loot.


a guild is just another group of randos.

Literally everyone in these dungeons (excluding me) Is in some guild. Its the same people thats treating everyone else like trash. Not interested in fake people.


Exactly guilds will ignore you too. Ask them to do a quest in a dungeon the crickets will chirp. Ask for people to do a +15 they line up faster than lightning. People only do things in this game if they are forced by design and the devs should know it by now yet they insist on making things frustrating.


I wish these quests could allow for you to queue the dungeon with a AI group. That way we can see the dungeon at our own pace the first time while learning the mechanics and finishing the quest.

People suck.


thankfully, my group was cool with me finishing the quest. Also I shared it with a couple of them so that might have made some of them want to help me out.

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Its what you make it in my experience. You’re going to stay a rando in a guild if you put zero effort into engaging with the guildmates. Problem is people want even social interactions handed to them. It takes effort, and the reward is good. Thats not to say some guilds aren’t bad, that should have gone without saying.

This reminds me of pre-patch. We had tanks literally just dropping once their trinket dropped from… the third boss of Uldaman?

You guys are in some terrible guilds if you can’t get the guild to help you out. Or maybe you’re a bad guild member.


Seriously. The whole point of a guild is for player interactions and grouping. If one is in a guild that doesn’t communicate, that’s backwards lol.

Because it’s the same people. Guild members are the same self serving people you see in the world. There is zero reason to help someone else unless they themselves benefit from it. Which is why it’s easy to get a mythic or raid group started but a guild can’t be bothered with low end content unless it’s day 1 of release. To expect people to treat random people in a guild any better then they do random people in the world is a bit illogical. Random people are random people. A self serving person will always be self serving and that makes up a whole lot of people in the game.


this not new,. been happening since bc with thrall escape from durnholde quest.

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Sounds like a bad guild dude. Not that a good one will help a dungeon run at the drop of a hat, but im sure you can put together a mythic 0, or heroic group together. I once was part of a guild that forced people to group lol, in a friendly way, they nudged people into group play. Theres good guilds out there.

Your talking unicorns, and every single guild claims to be a unicorn, some of the worst even claim they can fart rainbows.


Ok, i guess i just dreamt up all those times guildies helped me, and grouped with me. Heck even people on this forum have helped me in game.

I had a hunter ask if we could kill some extra mobs for one of the engineering things.

It was like three extra packs lol. Some folks are so extreme. Can’t believe you got kicked.

Or you’re the crappy one that thinks it’s okay to waste peoples time watching a cutscene…

Thats the beauty of seeing things only from a point of view of self. It’s easy to confuse your own singular experience with your guild as the normal experience. Thankfully you found yourself a unicorn.

Eh I would say make everything being done in a dungeon before you can engage the final boss would be better.

Imagine all the M+ speed runners skipping a single mob or pickup hidden way off the beaten path having to run back and get it or lose on their timer…