Community Council

Does the community council have a pvp representative? We’ve been in the dark, having melt downs, and outright unsubbing.
We have rank 1 pleading for nerfs like the rest of us and not hearing anything.
If we do have a representative, they’ve been almost useless.


what makes you think they listen to the council?


Council has no say in the changes that are made. Only Blizzard decides.

Efx has been a legend. He tries. But it was pretty clear early on that the Community Council was more of publicity stunt than actual functioning forum to get player feedback and insight.


Efx is the reason demon hunters got buffed :rage:

Efx is a blessing to have being he speaks up for the PvP community constantly, the only problem is… Blizzard ignores the feedback for some strange reason.

I’ll never understand how a group of 10-12 SoD devs can not only make constant changes to better the game and be so heavily involved with the community in contrast to retail devs staying silent constantly.

Missing Lord Honululu more than ever.

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My gamemode… i have failed you…

I guess the thread got deleted but the green poster from Raisin’s thread said every week someone compiles a report from forum feedback and brings it to a meeting. If that’s true I’d love to know who does this and see what they have been bringing from this forum so I can better understand how the below issue happens and what’s being relayed to the devs vs. what they are ignoring.


That’s pretty wild if true.

He definitely said that. I can’t remember the green posters name but someone from that thread should. If so I will find a post of his to quote here to notify him so he can confirm.

There’s Ziffy, a R1 Warlock, and someone else that got it in the summer. I get laid to rest on the 15th, so about a week, then new ones that have already been selected will step in.

Council just feels like a PR move. Feedback there is ignored. There’s some blue posts, I got a couple, but most just go unnoticed or they feel ignored. Even an acknowledgement would go a long way to let people know it’s on their radar.

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Of course Kennie replies in less than a minute.

There was a 9 minute gap to the post he replied to?

He’s been replying to all my post today almost instantly. I don’t know how he finds the time to do that.

It’s almost like he’s always watching.

It’s my fault for responding I guess. When I don’t respond to him he tends to leave me alone for the most part.

Cause hes using Dabdaddy AI™ post auto generator with your name auto selected for responses

gap between your post and his is 23 minutes. I don’t see how that’s instant. Now you on the other hand, responded instantly to him

sorry to hear, man. this was wild to read. the walmart complex strikes again.

This might be slightly TOS, friend. Just letting you know you should probably edit out accusations like that.

Give me a main of every class in the game i dont even care about cr xp but just raw play xp and with this team would make the best pvp this game has ever seen. i know i could. so let me.