[Community Council] Feedback

This is also what I expected when I decided to join the CC. I’ve said it countless times but I was under the assumption when reading the “Not-a-Job” description that we’d be relayed ideas that the devs themselves were uncertain of on how well they’d be received or for input on a change before they decided to go through with it. Why else would we be a group of 100 individuals with various different takes and opinions on the games content if NOT to ask us how we feel? It’s literally in the application what we hope to accomplish and what we are bringing to the council if we’re elected, if I’m not mistaken.

At the very least we have a private discord of 100 people, some of who are cycled out yearly, ready and willing to discuss changes before a colossal mistake they implement gets the backlash is sorely deserves.

I still plan to try to re-apply for a 2nd term hoping that changes are made, but if I do get a 2nd term and in that 2nd term I’ve seen nothing change as far as how the Council is run in comparison to how the application makes it sound then I will not seek a 3rd term.


(Posted in the wrong thread Go me and my yellow text!)

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I was very vocal originally when I joined the council. But after having everything me and plenty other members were saying completely ignored it kind of felt cruel.

The observer.

The frost elemental.

Personal loot as opposed to group loot for raids.


Everything was either ignored or claimed to be nothing but people complaining. So I stopped giving much feedback. As any I did was ignored.

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Every opinion I have gets ignored or doesn’t have enough support to get noticed by the blues so I stopped sharing them.

Didn’t the old WoW forums used to have a Suggestions and Feedback section? I know anytime I have given anything they always claim due to legal reasons they were not allowed to comments on suggestions incase they got sued that they stole someones suggestions.