[Community Council] Feedback

For my personal taste, there is just not enough involvement or feedback from Blizzard concerning the Community Council. Makes it tough to want to engage.

I understand devs working on parts of the game aren’t community managers and their job isn’t to engage with the CC though. I just want to know and see more that Blizzard is paying attention here. It is very tough to be hopeful that anything I or anyone else says here is meaningful in any capacity.


I agree with this.

I understand that responding to everything is a mighty ask, but something other than radio silence would be appreciated. We have some topics here ranging backwards an entire year with people still posting in them, to which theirs never been an official response.

Heck a “We see what you’re going for here, but at this current time we do not have any plans to action on this” is better than nothing. Makes it feel like the subject bars no weight to even mention something on and then it further makes people not want to talk about that subject because “obviously” it isn’t important enough to bar a response.

Maybe even like a weekly rollup would be awesome. Like a “We have reviewed the following subjects this week and provided the feedback to the developers” And in said rollup could provide the response from the developers if you’d like on those subjects.


Understand this. I feel like in the beginning it was more frequent and has just dropped off.

I believe earlier this year, someone posted the stats (I don’t recall if it was here or Discord though lol) of how many CC posts there were, what categories the topics were, and how many times the devs engaged with those posts. It was really cool, and I wish I remember who did that… but would like to see some updated stats on that.

I love this idea!


I agree.

I am very bothered by the lack of communication from Blizzard on all of their forums. In the past, there were some brief responses to encourage the opinions of other players in the community regarding the topic discussed in a forum thread or requesting that the thread not be derailed. Unfortunately, today there is a silence that greatly disturbs me.


The maintenance of a player/user on the Council Community should be proportional to their level of activity in that section.

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In my opinion, the Community Council is a section that has always been missing in all of Blizzard’s game forums, designed for providing feedback and suggestions but separate from the General Discussion section, similar to what exists in many other forums for different games.

There are many feedback discussions in progress about the game that are being addressed in another forum section and not here anymore.

Perhaps it’s a good time to make some specific adjustments to the Community Council.


Echoing many of the points presented in the first post. Primarily the ones about direction and communication - the current iteration of the council feels a bit like throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks and gets a reaction, which leaves both the community and the council disillusioned about the initiative. It needs more of a guiding hand from the organizers, to figure out what it is that they prefer to see discussed.

The idea suggested above of a weekly round-up that just points out what they found relevant would be interesting for this.

There’s also the point of organization. Currently, the council section is a single stack of threads that are sometimes bumped back up for some visibility, having left it to council members to appropriately tag the threads in order for them to be found more easily. It discourages interaction, if someone doesn’t find a thread that is relevant to their interests. The forum’s already have a very simple solution for this too: make more sections, allow threads to be made in the appropriate ones, and it’ll quickly become much better organized.

The other point, which I recognize is a bit more pedantic, is the separation of EU and NA in the forums, as I doubt most of the EU is even aware this exists, and can’t really contribute in discussions that branch off of threads made here.

The council is overall a net positive regardless of the community perception of it, because there really isn’t anything to lose from its existence. But it could be better if it was nudged ever so slightly every now and then.


I feel mostly the same about this. While I get it’s not particular amazing to write posts into a void, some sort of participation would be nice even if you not 100% into a topic (An outside perspectiv can sometimes spark new ideas). Perhaps this changes if we get more recognition as council (not asking here for special treatment - in general more forum activitiy would be nice in all parts of the forum).

Can’t add more…

get rid of it.

Have encountered multiple people on the forums with the believe that we are corporate puppets without an own opinion. In my case it may be the way I write and think about ideas and changes (I usually maintain a neutral perspectiv that trys to value all perspectives the same - this can sometimes be in favor of blizzard (which usually get backfire) or in favor of the players.
Initially the council was pretty good communicated to the public, yet it kinda lacks visibility for those who don’t engage with the forum on a regular basis. The Community Council Livechat f.e. can only be found inside the post of the Livechat (inside the CC Forums) or wowhead news but isn’t listed in youtube so you can’t even search for it. I get you may not want to post it on the offical wow yt channel but having a seperate one just for council chats wouldn’t be bad either. Also a news bar to the forums could be benefitial to give some more visibility.
TL;DR communicate better what the council is for to the general player audience.

Really wished we had those Feedback related topic in here - currently I stick to the PTR forums for this.
For this to work we still would need sub forums inside the council with the main forum being for announcements and directly asked feedback and the rest being separated to sub forums for every game aspect.

A monthly roundup post on what has been discussed internally of the cc topics we have provided, and a quick summary would be beneficial. In general, I feel like it’s way better to be open about what’s going on then remaining silent about it - I mean we can see in the PTR Forums where this led to with ppl bagging for some kind of communication on the very valuable feedback they provided towards their classes changes f.e. .

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There is something to lose. If not handled correctly, it can just be more water in the bucket of Blizzard not listening to players/bad PR.


What to talk about
I know this has been a recurring topic on Discord, but it is worth mentioning here. We have been told that there is no structure in what we can talk about, so basically anything game related goes, which is great… but also very difficult because you’re not sure where the focus lies for the developers. Perhaps a CM can continue to make threads like “Post your feedback about the raid here” and “Give us your thoughts about X feature in Dragonflight” so we have both the freedom and a direction.

This in particular I think would go a long way.


Obviously I don’t speak for others, but I don’t post on Discord because I really don’t have a lot of free time. I work a lot of (unpaid) overtime as a Special Education teacher — managing both middle school and high school — so I really only have a few hours (and energy) after school to run errands, do house chores, play WoW, and read and post on the forum.

I just plain don’t have time for Discord.

That, and I’m not a fan of the Discord system.

But I do agree with your sentiments about some people just… never posting. Like, what’s the point in applying for this if you aren’t going to post? But I won’t be so hasty to discount people if they only post occasionally — like me. Due to my real life circumstances, I’m known to go MIA for months at time. But then again, I literally applied as a casual player with forcibly limited time.

As for the discussion here… I love the idea of a “weekly rollup!” I think that’d go a long way in making players (both Community Council and not) feel heard.


This is something that we can commit to do more often.

It feels like the sweet spot between not starting enough conversations about active game development and being too pushy about what council members talk about is: asking for your feedback immediately after we’ve announced something that is currently being developed.

To that end, for instance, we’re planning to start multiple new threads here on Friday. :smile:


Awesome! Great to hear this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the reply, Kaivax!

I understand that the team must be quite busy this week with Blizzcon in mind but would it be possible to get some more responses on the points that have been given in this thread?

While some points are obviously out of your hands to make a decision on, it would be nice to hear the thoughts about them from the team.


I gotta feeling that Friday is going to be a good night:

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One thing I feel should be pointed out is there is a natural ebb and flow with WoW due to patch/expansion cycle. We are in a spot where there’s not much to talk about because it’s already set in stone but not yet released (patch 10.2) or it’s a pure mystery (the next expansion).

We’ll kinda have a double dose of flow with the new patch going live and Blizzcon in the very near future. This forum will be a lot more lively then.


Fair, but I’ve been in a group that joined almost a year ago, and I have seen some never engage. There are probably many reasons why people can’t/wont post, this isn’t aimed at anyone directly, but I do feel like there is at least something that someone has an opinion on, or insight.


Sometimes the topics just do not pertain to me. I was expecting more blue posts asking for opinions on things.


This is also what I expected when I decided to join the CC. I’ve said it countless times but I was under the assumption when reading the “Not-a-Job” description that we’d be relayed ideas that the devs themselves were uncertain of on how well they’d be received or for input on a change before they decided to go through with it. Why else would we be a group of 100 individuals with various different takes and opinions on the games content if NOT to ask us how we feel? It’s literally in the application what we hope to accomplish and what we are bringing to the council if we’re elected, if I’m not mistaken.

At the very least we have a private discord of 100 people, some of who are cycled out yearly, ready and willing to discuss changes before a colossal mistake they implement gets the backlash is sorely deserves.

I still plan to try to re-apply for a 2nd term hoping that changes are made, but if I do get a 2nd term and in that 2nd term I’ve seen nothing change as far as how the Council is run in comparison to how the application makes it sound then I will not seek a 3rd term.


(Posted in the wrong thread Go me and my yellow text!)

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