I feel like this is being overcomplicated.
The core issue is that Hunter has only 16 capstone points affecting throughput, across 11 nodes. They have only 11 points to spend.
For MM, 5 of those points are worthless, meaning there is zero choice in capstone expenditure beyond whether to take Injectors or Hydra, Explosive or Barrage. That is poor design.
For BM/SV, only two other active capstones can even be taken. And they have to pay 5 points just to get back a Level 15 talent crucial to their specs’ playflow. That is arguably even poorer design.
A typical BM build will have to spend 7 of its 11 capstone points on especially dull talents (+10% KC damage, +6% pet damage, +15% crit damage as Bleed). A typical MM build need only take 4.
That is terrible.
There are reasons, of course, to treat active capstones as packages/bundles. One does not spend a point to buy Alpha. They spend 5 points to buy Alpha, +10% KC damage, and +6% pet damage.
An MM does not spend 1 point to buy Steel Trap or even 3 points to buy NTA + Steel Trap. They spend 7 points to buy 4% crit, Explosive/Barrage, Death Chakrams/Stampede, NTA, and Steel Trap.
There is a problem with all that, though, when the amount of actual gameplay-improvement one has access to is so much lower for one bundle or “package deal” than another. And that is absolutely the case for the talents pathing to Alpha no matter where you put them in the entry, mid, or capstone tier.
Is that really something BM would necessarily want, though, in terms of gameplay? Remember, raw resultant damage can be granted through anywhere, by any means. Gameplay should be the foremost point of event-adding talents.
Cobra Senses is decently fun. Killer Cobra is decently fun. But are self-resets really something we want to make obligatory for BM by putting it in the class tree (in the same sense as SFP being made obligatory for Priest or formerly Rend being made obligatory for all specs of Warrior) instead of leaving it up to player choice?
I’d far rather have choice in that. Just as I’d rather be able to choose between Legion (MB as Focus-free procs) and BfA style (KC resets) Focus conservation. If you put it on the class tree, though, that becomes far more awkward to pull off, as it then constrains pathing and choice among utility talents or forces one’s would-be choice of paths / bundles in the capstone tier.
I don’t see why that would be the case. Hell, I’d be fine with there being not a single dull throughput talent (the likes of Beastmaster, Improved KC, Keen Eyesight, or Master Marksman—absent of interaction for all but SV) in the whole tree and having 6 more points of interesting utility.
Ultimately, it comes down to the number of discrete choices from which the specs of a given class could maximize their attractiveness for the greatest number of players. That’s going to have far less to do with whether a talent is “utility” or “throughput” as simply whether the given node holds gameplay interest and whether its upstream and downstream is sufficiently point-efficient to be a real choice. But, as players will typically feel obliged to favor throughput over utility, and at differing weights per content, that “effective point-efficiency” is all the harder to balance when you force choices between utility and throughput instead of just different forms of, separately, utility or different forms of throughput.