Community Council discussion on Hunter design

Yes, indeed so. Only problem is that the lot doing it are so fanatic about it (or whatever you want to call it) that they just go on a tantrum if you point it out… It’s like talking to toddlers. Tiresome but often amusing. But don’t expect anything to be reasonable or to make sense.

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SO wait…because I like to play SV as it stands, because I been playing it since they switched it, I support what the devs vision is because, yeah its their game, they designed it, and look, you are playing it too…and because of this, I’m a white knighter(lol) I am a joke. (LOLOLOL)

All of this coming from someone who NEVER posts on a Hunter. Lol ok. They always say when one has no merits of a argument, one must turn to insults. Well the jokes on you.

MSV is here. Now. Current. Even was stated just a couple of weeks ago. Yes, a Melee Hunter can still shoot as well. Hmmm RSV was chosen for a reason. While you may not agree, YOU ARE NOT THE DESIGNER! (shocking I know…) It was chosen by the people who work for Blizzard, by the people who develop for Blizzarrd, and even if the picked it out of a hat, guess what, that’s Blizzards call. No matter how much you whine and cry and insult people here, its still going to MSV now, in the DF expac, and in the many seasons that come with it.

IF Blizzard decided tomorrow to change it again, guess what? THEY CAN! ITS THEIR GAME! If they did people have a choice, play it or don’t play it. So please, keep going with this nonsense. Keep hoping and praying so you can finally say I TOLD YA! I KNOW WHATS BEST FOR BLIZZARD!! Just please stop boring the rest of us. Its been old, but now its just pathetic.

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Literally the entire RSV/MSV contention is based on people wanting the ranged aspect back, I don’t feel like what expansion it’s from matters at the moment. Don’t put the cart in front of the horse, we/they should worry about getting the ranged back then the gameplay first before debating what era it comes from.

That’s a fair assertion for surv being Diet BM. There should be more flavor between the specs.

Lol. People in charge mess up all the time. ESPECIALLY Blizzard in the last few years. What a weird and naive defense.

You act like there’s no serious feedback given. There is and it’s very detailed. They’re acting on it promptly now as opposed to BFA and SL where they did less than bare minimum but it’s evident they still don’t have a designer who’s enthusiastic about Hunters as they have trouble coming up with new ideas.

As for Survival: suggestions to make it range is talking about how to improve Hunters.

Ah yes this is how game feedback works: any criticism is invalid because the designers are legally allowed to do whatever they want. Imagine having this mindset.

No, it isn’t fair to say that.

Suggesting RSV is actually the most productive and concrete feedback one can give for the spec. If Blizzard doesn’t agree with it they can be content with SV being a dumpster fire every expansion. They made their bed and they can lie in it. It’s not my job to feed into their delusions and help them out with their failed spec concept. Maybe the fact that they do such a bad job with it all the time should undermine their confidence that they made the right choice.

I think most in fact want something based on MoP SV which was WotLK SV but heavily refined. But in reality no one is expecting a complete copy-paste of a prior iteration of the spec onto modern WoW. They want something based on it.

Almost like taking away someone else’s spec.

If melee SV were actually a success we probably wouldn’t be here saying they should bring RSV back. One main reason the discussion lives on is because it’s such a consistent and glaring failure. So they spent all this time and effort on something that didn’t work and keep tripling down on it and wasting even more time and effort.


I did look at the links, briefly admittedly since I’ve been busy today. My comments were meant to be directed at old RSV style, I would love to see what a modern RSV hunter would look like.

My argument for possibly melding RSV into MM is more of a compromise than anything. I think RSV being a 4th spec would be a great idea. Like a shadow hunter or an arcane archer for a more common fantasy troupe.


I stand firmly against the idea of merging rsv into mm or any other spec. Mostly because it just makes a mess of things and blizz never can get things right. Secondly, if they were too do it with mm they will never tune the rsv build to be viable, it would only be for flavor bc if it was tuned higher then mm then that would piss off the mm playerbase and essentially turn it into rsv. Also, by merging it with mm it would only incorrectly reinforce the notion that rsv is just a version of mm, which is CLEARLY incorrect.

The rsv vs msv discussion is substantially fuelled by how much of a failure msv has been over the years. No one in their right mind can stand here and argue that at any point (not including overtuned times bc thats not legitimate) that msv has ever been a success. I mean, look at right now. Blizz pushed msv tree out and it was the worst out of all of them by an extreme amount. It is the smallest one. Etc… Yea, blizz is working on it but how many revisions has it received yet it still doesnt even match up against any of the rogue trees when they first released? Lets not forget that while we are enjoying decent, not great, but decent communication with blizz that hasnt been seen in a long time, one can clearly argue that their increased activity is due to Microsoft coming in and they want to keep their jobs.

I agree that rsv, if implemented, should take a modern twist and be implemented with improved spells. This doesnt change rsv, as the base identity is still there, the base spells are there, and there is a nucleus to build upon. This is different then msv bc there is no nucleus for it. Its just a mess of talents thrown together. This is obvious as it continues to trend towards being bm melee 2.0. Blizz cant establish its identity so its going to piggy back off another spec.

As for those white knighters who complain that “its blizz’s game,” and we should blindly accept whatever they give us like they do, let us remind you that it is us, the customers, who pay for the game. Who pay their salaries. Furthermore, its us customers who provide free labor when testing in alpha and betas. If it was as you say, “blizz’s game” then they should freely deny player testing and pay game testers to test in alpha and betas, yes? Bc as you argue, customers shouldnt have an opinion.


Let’s also remind them that Blizzard happily ignoring feedback and doing whatever they wanted led to the most disastrous years of WoW’s lifespan and the largest exodus of players it’s ever seen.



Blizz’s failure over the last 10 years has seen a substantial drop in subs that continues to happen today. Wow is merely a shell of what it was before and this reinforces the point that blizz makes bad choices. One of those choices is removing rsv, alienating about half of the hunter community at the time, AND led to many players to stop playing the game.

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Statistics backning your claim that 50% of Hunter players were playing survival thanks, other wise its just fancy-talk.

Also you do know that since at least cataclysm people have always hated on the current expansion just to, for some magic reason, completely turn around and shower praise over the same expansion some years later.
For example people were really upset about endgame MoP and its endless daily grind or how people literally hated legion for a large part of its duration to now look back on it like something that was very good and fun, and was better than what we have now etc. Its commonly called rose-tinted glasses. You remember the good not the bad, the brain is funny like that. It actually makes up memories.

I guess we will see if RSV is the god of Hunter specs now in wotlk:c and According to your and other pro-RSV people the players will flock to the spec in massive numbers. I highly doubt it but I’ve been wrong before. I’ll probably install it to be able to test RSV, since you guys are hyping it to the skies. We will see.

You know you can still play RSV but you have to break ToS to do it. At least some of us have played RSV very recently. So this isn’t just “fuzzy memories” or similarly patronising nonsense. I can see MoP class design concurrently to the current game and the MoP design not only holds up but is largely better; especially Survival.

As for WotLK: Yes Hunters did flock to the spec in massive numbers in 3.0 and they will do so again in WotLK classic. It’s already highly represented on the WotLK beta.


How could one not find it funny, that Blizzard had a vision for a change in surv spec.
Then they didn’t.
And just made it mostly BM with differences.
And then met at the water cooler to talk about Ally Mcbeal.

Surv in WotLKC will be popular enough to not fall behind any of the other specs. Hunter version in that expansion had all three specs working well enough. And dual spec becomes a thing too.


Being that MSV is close enough to BM in DF they should give BM a melee branch in their tree and cover dual wielding.

SV should be made into a modern RSV and not exactly to what we had before


Your just pushing the dual weilding aspect, mostly which wont see any traction bc people, including myself, woulf rather see rsv back then get dual wielding.

As for making a melee build in bm, i mean, it fits better then msv does and at least it could roll using bm’s identity.

Rsv: its still going to bring back its core identity and most of its spells. If you dont then it wont have an identity and then it ends up being msv 2.0, just ranged, which is a really, really crappy place. It can have modern aspects to it, but just like all the rest of the specs in the game, it has to have its core.

I agree it feels like the devs keep trying to make it work and the only way you get an actual representation of people playing it is when the spec is massively overtuned =( Feels bad - when I think of a hunter I dont think of a melee spec but to each their own I guess


Blizz has only themselves to blame for keeping around a failed sub-1% represented meme spec.

what makes you think that if even if they brought back rsv they’d do it right

Sure I get that. I’m not a people tho and obviously I am pushing an idea.

I would without a doubt in my mind play a beast mastery hunter that dual wielded and feels like fury where you and your pet build off of each other but completely smother the target with damage.

High uptime playstyle, with every single ability making you and your pet do something but having different affects, say, flanking/mongoose/lacerate/whateveridgaf you hit the target with your main hand (building the pet’s focus bar) and your pet applies a debuff/dot
Next move, command your pet to bite your target (building your focus bar) while you aoe.
After both you and your pet’s focus bar fills up, you and your pet can then unleash a massive damage finisher that has a crit mechanic, maybe tying it to a pet debuff.

Deterrence making a comeback unique to this beastmaster just to make sick reflect plays.

Being able to take much more upfront damage than survival or mm, you and your pet feel tanky. Pet disarm weapon.

Your pet can lick your wounds if you die if he’s alive restoring you back to life type shhtuff lol

I honestly can keep going but that fantasy of a dual wielding hunter vs a 2h spear wielding hunter who can toss bombs and occasional launch an explosive shot out his armpit sounds WAY better my dude

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It feels like blizzard “has no plans to bring RSV back” even though it’s massively wanted because it would:

  1. Require admitting they were wrong.
  2. Mean they have to put work into the spec they do nothing about.

Call me an a**hole for saying it like that, it is and I am, but I’m calling it like I see it and we’re all thinking it. Well, beside the 4 MSV-stans.

The only hope I see for RSV is when Microsoft gets Blizz and with the help of Proletariat Studios on WoW, they can actually have the man-power to make changes and improve the game.

Side tangent: If they bring RSV back, I think they should call it something like Shadow Hunter (Shadow Hunter Hunter? lol) or Arcane Archer (A common fantasy troupe for any magic using archer). Probably an unpopular opinion but it’s just a thought.


Your post made me kind of laugh and cry at the same time. Because it just clarifies how extremely bad the current “melee” SV feels! Its not actually melee and their idea of pet interactive gameplay is you spamming kill command for KC resets.

There is so much you can do for a true melee Hunter who focuses on actual melee abilities and fighting along with the pet. So many missed opportunities in favor for the incredibly lame pseudo melee bomb throwing abomination we currently have.


The RSV was mainly about explosive shot though? How is that shadow Hunter or arcane Hunter? Or does those suggestions represent what you’d like them to change The old RSV into? Because even if they bring it back it wouldnt be a copy of MoP RSV, i guess.

Just want to point out that out of all the specs SV have gotten the most work done post reveal in alpha. And yes that is probably because it is such a dumpster fire and probably didnt get more than a days worth of dev time pre-reveal but its gotten a lot of work done on it.

With that said, i personally think it hasnt really improved the spec. I think they are moving in the completely wrong direction with the spec. They claim its a melee yet every single talent/ability in the class tree is ranged and every thing for the spec besides raptor strike/mongoose bite and carve/butchery and the silence muzzle is a pure ranged ability or “usable from ranged” which for me is the same.
And this whole theme of either spam ability A which is a super generic weapon attack for st or spam ability B which is a very lame and not very Hunter or melee oriented bomb for aoe. That is the spec. Woho!