My biggest concern for survival is the talent bloat. Not only does it have the most total points in the tree - it also has the fewest node choices. We have also been told for years that blizzard has been emphasizing removing uninteresting passive bonuses from trees - and survival is filled to the brim with those.
Survival has a whopping 58 total points in the tree - 4 more than the next highest and 15 whole points more than the slimmest tree (being Resto Druid). The biggest offender in this disparity? 3 point talents. Survival hunter has 9 nodes that require 3 points. Resto druid has zero. Even by doing something as simple as cutting every one of these to a 2 point talent, survival is brought much closer to the average of the rest of the trees.
Now, some of these 3 point effects (albeit many should not be 3 points for the amount of power given but that’s a tangent I will hold off on) have interesting, gameplay affecting effects. Tip of the Spear, Explosives Expert, Deadly Duo, are all effects that change how the spec is played fundamentally and I understand why they are included. However, given Blizzard’s philosophy toward removing boring +%damage effects from talent trees, WHY are things like Ferocity, Improved Wildfire Bomb, Sweeping Spear, Sharp Edges, Precision, included? The last two are particularly offensive toward this philosophy, being some of the most boring passive effects in the game that I’ve seen within the Dragonflight Talent Trees.
Furthermore, why are the passive effects that we are given SO much more costly than similar effects from other classes?
Lunge costs 3 points to gain the exact same effect that Acrobatic Strikes from rogue gives for 1.
Predator is a resource-generation proc that costs 3 points. Omen of Clarity costs 1 point. Frigid Executioner/Rage of the Frozen Champion costs 1 point. Shadow Techniques costs 1 point.
Survival is not the only spec that has talents that only affect one ability and only grant small flat damage boosts to them. Frost DK has one for obliterate and frost strike, Unholy DK has one for Festering Strike, Assassin has one for Fan of Knives - Survival is, however, the LOWEST impact of any of these. Improved wildfire bombs grants 8.3% per rank. Improved Kill Command only gives 5% (and Kill Command is already the single weakest damage spell in our kit). All of the other specs with very narrow focused talents give at least 10% for spells that are very high impact.
Our capstones are clumsy. Coordinated Assault, Coordinated Kill, and Birds of prey have almost zero synergy between the three of them.
Coordinated Assault affects such a narrow part of our kit which in and of itself isn’t necessarily bad - but Kill Shot isn’t a part of the kit outside of a different capstone path.
Coordinated Kill feels particularly out of place because Survival has zero critical strike synergy unless you include the incredibly lackluster 6% crit damage bonus talent.
Birds of Prey is fine - great, even… but since Raptor strike isn’t buffed by Coordinated Assault it just doesn’t make sense
Fury of the Eagle is making a comeback - hooray - why is it on the opposite side of the tree from Kill Command’s flat damage buff?
Energetic Ally will only see niche use in Mongoose Bite builds but again, is on the opposite side of the tree.
Aspect of the Eagle is cool utility and makes a lot of sense being right near lunge - but you can ONLY take AotE by putting three points in Sharp Edges.
Deadly Duo is awesome - its so cool seeing the spirit of Flayed Shot live on since Venth Survival was my favorite back in sanctum BUT it costs 3 points to get a measly 3.75% proc chance, and if you are relying on this effect to get any use out of Explosives Expert then you are likely to see less than one proc per minute from EE.
Wildfire Infusion is the only thing that I am actually happy about in that part of the capstone
Precision is so. incredibly. lame. 6% crit chance? In a spec that has ZERO crit synergy? snooze. It’s unfortunate that Spearhead is the only interesting toy on the bottom of the tree because it has to go through the most boring talent imaginable.
Survival is unique in that it has such a long history of being rewritten - and as such it has an incredibly diverse pool of abilities that are no longer in game that could be added. Why is our tree the smallest with the most number of passive +damage buffs when we could have things like more Sting spells, more Trap spells/synergies, and Black Arrow - all of which are things that the community already wants and would both add depth to the tree and remove bloat.
I really hope that the next iteration of the survival tree looks nothing like the current one