Community Council discussion on Hunter design

Have a look at this post:

You know why it’s still up? Because I don’t go crying to moderators every thread. I think it’s hilarious when people lash out like that, and it’s better to have the complete context of a discussion available for all to see, warts and all. I’m not going to waste a moderator’s time on stuff like that. And that post is way worse than anything I’ve ever posted.

I created this thread, you came to it with nonsense revisionist takes about classic WoW Hunter, I responded to that. That’s not off topic/derailing/trolling/whatever you fill in on the flags.

In the last week I’ve been bombarded with post flags. The moderator has to go through and decide which ones to keep or not; yes, several of them have been restored so you are excessively flagging posts which means you’re deliberately wasting moderator time because you can’t handle a little disagreement on the forum.

If you come to an online forum and your first instinct when you encounter any disagreement is to abuse the moderation system to shut the posts down, you shouldn’t be going to the forum in the first place.

Maybe you should consider that I perhaps drop lines like that because I know it causes you to overreact like this.

Probably not though because I am in fact Always Correct. Scientists can’t explain it.