Community and Mythic +

So i guess just to make this blunt over the last week of DF ive seen a number of post about Mythics and M+ and new players/new tanks/new healers and i would like to just remind people be nice to newer players and if there doing something wrong help them dont just kick or vote kick them i understand wanting to gear and push keys but remember some people just started and some have been away for awhile!!


I’m always happy to help people out, especially in lower keys. But they also need to speak up if they don’t know the mechanics! I can’t count the number of times a newbie has gone in blind and gotten one shot by an avoidable mechanic.

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Its hard to be nice to new players when its the tank holding the group mercy.

Won’t happen since Mythic+ is toxic by design due to having a timer that reinforces the go go mentality.


I’m going to be brutally honest with new players. You know why? Cuz they can also learn the dungeon thru normal/heroic mode + various guides from different platform.

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The season hasn’t even started yet people are getting an early start I guess…


Pretty sure you haven’t seen any posts about m+ in the past week since it didn’t exist.
Sounds like you are just scared of people calling you out for wasting their time in keys you have no business doing, which is the one problem to rule them all in m+.

So maybe just stay in your lane which is low keys or no keys, until you watch dungeon guides and class guides on your new op spec.

I completely understand and agree i just dont want to see all the bashing in M and M+ that i’ve seen over the last few days ya know?

For mythic there’s no vote to kick since it’s not a LFG situation. I however ran all my M0s with random groups last week, and it was nothing but nice people in the ones I got. I was pleasantly surprised.

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Vote kick pertains to queueable content.

What exactly does “brutally honest” mean to you? Tell them to uninstall and kys?

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No i have a pretty thick skin and i know my limits and what keys i can be in just tired of seeing people get raged at for not knowing every M/M+ dg a week into the expansion and being told to get good so to speak i have several friends who refuse to do M+ just due to experiences they’ve had

you guys should group up and do dungeons

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Check this vod out Giga Chad Gamers are going to kill the community.

h ttps://

It was like this in BFA and SL too, if you don’t get into M0s on week one and get geared you will be completely shut out of pugging for the entire patch.

People are insane.


I commend that guy. But he is getting something wrong, as this community does:
The elite don’t kick people for reasons like this, only people who wish they were elite kick people for reasons like this.

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Not really, queuable content is so faceroll, there is nothing to learn. Tank pulls all the way to the boss, everything dies.

The hardest content we have right now is M0, and it’s the first place where mechanics can actually kill you. Nevertheless it is still very easy. It’s the exact place people should be learning the dungeons.

Don’t gatekeep them now.

This is what I do being newish to tanking.

  1. I research the dungeon I’m going into.

  2. I tell the group when we enter the instance I haven’t been here before but learned about it.

  3. I do my very best at my roll.

  4. I keep an eye on the group for damage, healer mana and players don’t fall behind.

  5. I welcome tips and tricks and I follow the group (has happened) when I’ve become lost.

And you know what, people I’ve done dungeons with are real cool about this which builds my confidence as a tank. I use to tank on my warrior back in Wrath and was main healer too. Have the experience but as I said, I’m newish to tanking and been a while. I’m having a lot of fun.


Have you tanked before Gilt? See my post above.

All i’m trying to do is just remind people to be positive and not rage just cause others dont know every single thing going into week one i know thats alot to ask for gaming/wow in general but just wanted to put the post out there as i over this week i saw a few things that didnt sit well with me and just wanted to try and bring some positive vibes to this game we all love!!

Yes, last time I mained tank was SL S1. I do very similar to you, actually. You can learn a lot through watching a video of someone running M+, get lots of tips on the dangerous trash mobs and positioning and so on.

I don’t think we should be punishing tanks for learning in M0, though. Nobody should need to do homework for m0 - you might wipe once, then you figure it out. It’s easy enough that it’s never a big deal.