Bump! Still looking for players who are looking to do some casual mythic come next tier!
Are those raid times PST, CST or EST?
They are Est ^^
Still recruiting for all teams!
Looking for some heals and dps for our casual mythic team, preferably not any priests
Seeking a mage for our green team! (Casual mythic) Any exceptional dps will also be considered. ^^
Still looking for some ranged dps and another healer! for our casual mythic team! 4/8m atm.
Add Meyliene#5263
or Nocthios#0115 on discord for more info ^^
Looking for A Non priest / resto shaman healer going into the next tier for a perm spot on our casual mythic team and a havoc dh.
Bump! still looking for a preservation evoker or holy paladin for Abberus on our casual mythic team!
Bump! still seeking an evoker healer, h pally, resto drooood
Bumping! We are recruiting for our Casual Mythic Team!
Hello, are there opportunities to move to from green to red team? My guild stopped raiding mythic halfway through SL but I would like to get back into mythic content as I enjoy progression and challenging content.
Hullo, apologies for delay! Typically the process is per tier changes for classes or team swaps. Mind you, Fated raiding may be looked or handled differently as it comes around. While this isn’t to say that folk from Green may not want to try harder content with Red Team as we do want to try to keep a steady roster, hence why tierly seems most fair for moving into other teams. Let me know if you would like more info and we can get a meeting set up where we can answer any other of your questions.
Uppies! we go to the top <3
Still looking for some solid dps and some auggies to round us out! 9/9H, going into mythic! lets gooo
^ Still looking for some warlocks, dk’s and auggies!
If you’d like to add me on bnet I’d like to talk about opportunities to raid. Ardal#1840
I am interested in the blue team to start. My BT is Blood#1210. Like to play my ret pally but open to enhance sham and Fury warrior
Recruiting more friends for all teams, see the details updated in the original post!
Bump! post has been updated with our current needs!