<Commit Alpha> [A] Stormrage -is Recruiting for War Within -Raids, MPlus, and Socials!

Hello! I am a resto sham interested in the Green team if yall have need of a healer still. Sassycaster - Mal’Ganis

! Looking for some dps and a healer for our red team to pew pew! prepatch is coming! :smiley:

Bump! ^ Looking for Shamans and warlocks for our red team Mythic / CE team! Any melee dps looking to join in on green team, hit us up aswell! <3

We’re currently looking for a Preservation evoker, Ele shamans, Havoc DH and a warlock for our mythic / CE push team!

Still looking for some dps for our red team! <3

hey :slight_smile: I am looking for a friendly guild to run m plus with on a regular basis with some heroic raids on the side.

i tend to play healers and i am currently not 100% sure what i will be maining in season 1. In DF i primarily played a resto druid with my priest as a high level alt. i have been doing pure pugging for a few expacs now but am interested in finding a community and your post seemed to have a lot of fun stuff going on. :slight_smile:

i also enjoy doing achievement runs and collecting mounts and pets. :slight_smile:

hope to hear from you soon! my btag is #petals1323 thanks so much!

We are still recruiting for the War Within!!! The beacons are lit…!!!

Hey, I added you on bnet! Looking forward to hearing back from ya. ^^

Hey Nova! Sorry for a mix up! May have tried to add that in as a discord. I’ve sent a Friend Request on Bnet as well. :slight_smile: We’d love to chat or get you invited to see what we are all about :slight_smile:

Hey there! I’m interested in Blue team for Heroic & M+. I will main Elemental Shaman going into TWW and will be alting a Mage. My Bnet is Kiddoguvna#1939, if you’d like to discuss anything. I’ve gotten AOTC every raid for the past few expansions but would like a fun and chill atmosphere and good people to game with.

Looking for some dps to round out our red team! Lets get it! :slight_smile:

Looking for some dps to round out our red team! Need a warlock, dps shaman, evokers! Lets get it! :slight_smile:

We are currently looking for a few melee, warlock and ele shaman for our Red team!

hey :slight_smile: i did not get a bnet request and just now checked here and saw that you tried to add me! i will send you a request instead and see if that works better.

thanks! :slight_smile:

edit: oops just realized there are no bnet tags in the OP and thats why I posted mine LOL.

just confirming that my btag is petals#1323 here. maybe there was a mixup :smiley:

Hi, I’m a Ret pally that is interested in both your Red and Green teams.

Hello! Do you have a place I can contact you at? Or if you’d like just add me on discord!

Discord: nocthios